Chapter 13: Morning

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~Chapter 13: Morning ~

>Todoroki's PoV<

When Bakugou came out of my bathroom, he was beet red- unlike I'd ever seen him before, which is something I'd like to change, he looked cute this way.

"You can sleep on my bed, I'll take the couch," I said, finishing the cleaning I started while he was in the bathroom, only leaving some snacks and water on the table to make sure that he wouldn't get drunk anymore, he was probably throwing up in the bathroom or something and that's why he took so long- he could have asked me for help.

"What- No no- I can go back home-"

So flustered, so cute.

"The trains have stopped by now, unless you live close by, in which case I can walk you back," I offered, not wanting to leave him drunk on the streets, he may be a hero but someone could take advantage of him, it wouldn't be safe.

"The fuck-" he scoffed, his face color never faltering, "Fine, I'll stay here, but I can sleep on the couch."

I hummed disapprovingly, before realizing something, "I actually have a futon, we can both sleep in my room, but one of us on the futon on the floor."

He pouted, scowling, but evident he'd give in, "I'll take the futon."

"I won't hesitate to ice you down onto the bed," I said, smirking, teasing him, making him scoff.

"I have my fucking quirk too, don't think you can overpower me Todoroki," he said, his fiery eyes back again, ready to challenge.

"Are you sure you want to risk breaking my apartment?" I said, unable to hold back a smirk, "I can melt the ice with my other hand, you'd explode my entire bed and maybe the roof while you're at it."

"Tch- only because you are being so fucking insistent," he said, he seemed to have sobered slightly, returning to his normal, self that cursed as if his life depended on it.

"That's great," I said, unable to keep myself from smiling- I was pleased with myself- he actually gave in.

He insisted on helping me set up, so we set up the futon I'd sleep on, and I put a trash can, water, and napkins beside my bed in the chance that he would get nauseous again.

After that, I got into the covers in the futon, and Bakugou got into my bed, I was too tired to say goodnight so I just left it at that, simply getting comfortable before closing my eyes.

I wonder how well I'll sleep knowing that he is here- in my bed.

"Todoroki," he said, breaking the silence, "So you like a guy?"

Specifically, you.

"Yeah," I admitted, and though I said it comfortably, I was worried if he was one of those people who still had a more conservative mindset, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason," he said, pausing for a long time, it almost seemed like he was going to leave it at that, "What... what is he like?"

I hummed, once again, Bakugou's dedicated expression came up, despite being different and facing criticism, he still worked hard, even if people doubted his ability as a hero, he fought for what he believed in.

"Strong, dedicated, a good guy once you get to know him," I said, smiling to myself, closing my eyes, "Despite that, he is a cute guy, it's a shame no one sees that part of him."

After having closed my eyes for a while, I heard no response, so I looked over to the bed, he was still, breathing silently - thank god he didn't snore - so I figured he went to sleep while I was talking.

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