Chapter 22: Shitty Revenge

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~Chapter 22:  Shitty Revenge~

>Bakugou's PoV<

"Jeanist, do you know anyone with an honesty quirk?"

Those already judging eyes of his peered at me, but I have learned by now to snap at him, it would end with getting tied up in some sort of fabric, messing with my hair as well, probably just to see how long it would last in that form.

"Besides the criminal we just arrested, no one directly," he said, reclining on his chair, looking through a pile of potential missions.

I groaned, looking down at the pile he'd been developing in front of me, if someone could just use it on Todoroki...

"There is a person in the police division who specializes in making people confess, though I haven't heard of her in a while."

My eyes widened, "Where does she work!"


"I need a favor," I proclaimed, setting a box of chocolates on her desk, that I heard she liked from her co-workers- usually people comply if I try to be more convincing.

"W-w-what?" She said, practically sinking into the desk chair.

>Todoroki's PoV<

"Hello, I heard you wanted to meet about the case involving the robbery last week," I said, watching her as she sat down in the booth in front of me, "though people typically meet at the station."

"A-ah, yes, I am doing a small private investigation in regards to that, so I was told to ask you some questions."

We went through some questions, some I had already answered, but went through with it anyway.

After a while, she took off her glasses, looking straight at me, leaving some sort of impression on me.

"That was strange..." I paused, realizing I had said what I had just thought aloud.

"Wait a second- it's a quirk-" I instantly got up, recognizing the danger of what may happen if it was a villain.

"Hold on-" she squeaked, looking flustered, "One of your friends told me to use my quirk on you- I am sorry, he was scary, but I have never used my quirk for anything other than real interrogations!"


It was obvious who did this, and why he did, I messed up last time between us, but scaring an innocent person like this was the wrong way to go.

"Excuse me, I need to go."

I walked out of the diner, upset beyond belief, irritated when I stumbled upon paparazzi who seemed to have been watching me.

"Shouto, why were you with a girl? Are you dating her?"

"Didn't you say you liked a guy from your class?"

"Was this all a front for publicity?"

The last one made me snap for some reason.

"I wish it had been."

This only caused their questions to intensify, not letting me walk away from them.

"What does that mean?

"Were you rejected?"

"Have you asked him out?"

"I haven't and I won't," I said, "I considered doing so, but he might not be the man I thought him to be, I love him, but perhaps it was just confusion."


Turning around, I saw Bakugou, he was in his hero attire, probably doing patrols.

"I don't want to see you."

"We need to leave."

The questions became louder, more pressing.

"Why is Ground Zero here?"

"What did your crush do?"

"Who do you like?

"I love you," I said, glaring at Bakugou, "Now let me go, I don't want to see you right now."

I shoved him off of me, creating space between everyone and myself, activating my ice quirk to make ground below me, rising up and away from everyone, jumping off and then running off.

>Bakugou's PoV<

Fuck- he's pissed.

"Why is he upset with you?"

"Did you reject him?"

"Do you love him back?"

I felt my cheeks burn, these reporters were being way too nosy, reminding me of how bad I fucked up.

Suddenly I got an idea, a dumb one, but if I was lucky, it may work.

"Hey- you," I went away from the mob, "hit me with your quirk."

Too flustered to ask why, she complied, looking me in the eyes, and I immediately felt the difference, "This better fucking work or else..."

(I know, it is hella short like the last one, I made you guys wait so long just for this, but thank you guys for all the patience and support, it means a lot. I am pretty much good right now in regards to my portfolio, all I need to do is catch up on school work and I will be able to put some more time into this.

I took an especially long period of time because I want to make this girl into an original character, but I have no time to make character plans for her and I am bad at drawing manga-esque art, I am more into realism so it is new to me, but once I finish her I will show you guys.

Also, I just want to let you guys know that I read all your comments, even if I sometimes don't reply, and it makes me feel happy knowing there are people enjoying my work and encouraging me and just reacting, it is fun to see.)

I am going to be posting some of the ideas I have been generating for future TodoBaku oneshots and stories, idk which ones will end up just as one shots, so help me decide, along with which ones I should do first and the such. :)

(Fly by editing on 4/18/2020.)

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