Chapter 9: Dumbass

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(Legit just wanted to finish this before bed and here I am now- I may be enjoying myself too much, Bakugou is my weakness apparently.)

~Chapter 9:  Dumbass~

>Bakugou's PoV<

The hell does that shit head mean by 'anything else', like does he want to hang out sometime or just strictly hero stuff?

And so the guy isn't Deku, he would have shown some jealousy when Uraraka and Deku were being disgusting, but he really wasn't bothered, or maybe he was hiding it and was hurt.

That dumbass, don't fall for someone who won't date you!

"Bakugou- are you okay?"


Kirishima was staring at me, sitting across me on the floor, the box of beers on the table and ready to go down the hatch.

"You are more out of it than before- like what happened to you being angry?"

"Ah- Yeah, that ass Todoroki- he fucking likes Deku, Deku is already dating round face so why the fuck does he still try."

I was too exhausted to care about my reputation, it was just Kirishima after all, and it is just too fucking frustrating to keep to myself.

"Oh?" he said, rubbing his thumb onto his chin, "Really? I thought Todoroki liked someone else, he talked to me earlier."


"Who is it," I said, slamming the can onto the coffee table, startling Kirishima, "That bastard better not like Deku."

"No no no- he told me that Midoriya and Iida were especially out of the question, that they were too close to him he would find it strange to like them, they are like brothers-"

"Okay," I yelled, frustrated, "Get to the point! Who does he like?!"

Scratching the back of his head, he smiled, and I fucking knew he wasn't gonna tell me, "He told me not to tell..."

"The fuck-! Give me some fucking hint here!" I was livid, why couldn't I know, we had just gotten closer earlier no? "At least tell me it is not fucking Mineta of Kaminari!"

"Oh- hell no, what would make you think he was relatively interested in them?"

I felt like ripping my hair out, "I don't fucking know?! They aren't very likable from how I see them!"

"Ah, you watched that interview right?"

Shit- I've been caught.

"Well, he said he thought he was cute and strong, personally I don't see the cute part, but they are good looking to some degree- they were admired during UA for their looks if you ignore the unlikable part."

"Just tell me!"

Who the hell is a cute yet strong guy in our class? This is too much fucking work, but at least know it isn't Deku, Mineta, Kaminari, or Iida, it limits it to Ojiro, Seto, Shoji, Tokoyami, Sato, Koda, and Kirishima.

"Why are you so interested anyway, it is Todoroki's love life."


Why? Well obviously because- because- why am I interested in who he is interested in.

I guess I want to know who tamed the guy, he is wild, it's interesting to see who was able to get the hottest guy- holy shit what the fuck- not the fucking hottest guy- I mean yeah he is but- wait, no he isn't- the fuck Bakugou, pull yourself together!

"You alright there Bakugou, don't rip your hair out," he said, taking my beer, "That's enough for today, I think."

"No- it's just," I began but couldn't finish, it was hard to put into words, "Why... I don't get why I...?"

Kirishima smiled, that bastard, "The fuck you smiling at idiot, I am having a crisis!"

The asshole was now fucking laughing, "I get it now! You really are something else!"

I couldn't help but huff out a sigh, feeling disappointed in the lack of information I was getting.

"Bakugou," he began once more, removing the tears that overflowed his eyes from laughing, "Do you by any chance like Todoroki?"

The fuck!

"What-! I- why would I?!"

"You seem really caught up in who he likes, are you perhaps jealous?"


I felt some strange sensation go through me, lingering in my fingertips, "Wh- Jealous?!" I couldn't believe it, me, jealous?!

Fuck, it's getting hot in here.

I clenched my fists, why was my face so hot-


Fuck, fuck no- I don't fucking like the guy- I already said I am straight- I've never liked a guy!

But have I ever liked a girl?

"Fucking shit-!"

My hands were in my hair at this point, "Kirishima, you bastard-!"

"Wh-what's up?"

I stared at him, feeling my face burn unpleasantly, it was unbearable, "How the hell do you know if you like someone?"

Obviously, he was shocked, the question was kind of unrelated, but luckily he didn't start shit- I would have killed him if he did.

"Well, you know you like them if you think about them a lot, you want to spend time with them, you feel hot and nervous around them, things like that."

I breathed, I don't know, do I feel those things, maybe I do think about him too much- hell he is always on my mind lately- but that's only because of that big scandal he got himself into!

"Ah, okay, thanks Kiri, I need some fucking rest now."

I left, my apartment wasn't too far away, and the cold air was nice and helped me clear my mind.

Todoroki... I wonder who he likes.

If he liked me...

Fuck no- stop thinking.

I shook my head, walking faster back home, I am probably just fucking tired.

Quickly, I got ready for bed, sighing when I could finally let myself go again, closing my eyes to try to relax.

24 hours ago I was sleeping beside Todoroki.

Fuck- stop it with these random thoughts idiot brain- no need to think about Todoroki.

An image of his eyes came up, I remembered how close he was to me, making me feel sweaty and shit- I need a fan don't I.

"Fucking dumbass..."

(Fly by editing on 4/18/2020.)

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