Chapter 8: The Fuck?

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(From now on I want to make the chapter titles related to the character it will be about, Todoroki may have one word and more composed titles while Bakugou's are just blunt. Love my manz. I have reached a new low I am in love with an anime character (I've been in love with fictional characters but only like Arthit of SOTUS and Kit of 2Moons), anywho, enjoy, I am gonna write more bc I am emo rn and I love it. )

~Chapter 8: The Fuck? ~

>Bakugou's PoV<

I want to fucking wash my mouth with bleach.

It is one thing to play along, but Todoroki took the entire fucking relationship to a degrading point- I even had to fucking agree with him and shit.

Admittingly, it is interesting to see if this is what he would be like with his significant other- he's much more talkative and chatty, it almost fucking bothers me.

Of course, we have to sleep beside each other now because the dumbass wanted to check in with me or some shit that wasn't a part of the plan, so I gave up some of my futon and blanket so he wouldn't sleep on the floor.

I can't fucking stand to see his face close so I turned around, and it's so hot I can almost not even deal with him being beside me.

"Here," I heard a mumble from behind me, his voice was raspier than before, he hadn't talked in a while. His hand touched my back, and a rush of cold air came and spread onto my back, making me shiver.

"What the fuck-"

"You need it."

Ah. Right.

I was reluctant, but his cold hand would help the sweat from coming- we had come so far we can't just have something explode on our last night here.


Sleep is one of my favorite pass times, it saves energy and helps you relax, but never had I ever slept so comfortably in my life.

Summer is usually hot as shit but it was manageable last night- a cool lump kept me refreshed the entire night.

Honestly, I don't even want to open my eyes, but there is a mission today, so it is necessary to get up and prepare.

My eyelids were heavy as I tried to finish waking up, wrapping myself around that cold object that did wonders, nice.


I couldn't help but yell out when I saw what I was hugging - a half-awake Todoroki - who was staring at me, confused yet not processing anything.

What the fuck! Why- shit I forgot he was locked in here with me.

Fucking shit, I am getting all strange again, what a position to wake up in with this fucker.

"What's wrong...?"


I can't believe I was fucking hugging this guy, I'm not supposed to get close to him, this shit, he has a thing with Deku and he isn't even bothered by being so close to me and pretending to date me- no fucking morals.

"You ready," he was definitely not awake yet, his voice was low, rougher than usual- making me gulp back a feeling in my throat.

"Course, tell the others to get their asses here in 15."

He nodded, taking my glasses, but I'm too tired to care.

"Put on your supports," he said, now more awake, starting to take off his shirt- what the fuck there is a fucking bathroom behind you change there dumbass.

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