Chapter 1.

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Normal POV

Irene was having another dream yet that is to be expected, It is after all Irene White, who was known for coming up with strange solutions to problems which involved magic. You could say she had the 'magic touch'.

Let's take a closer look at her dream.

Irene found herself standing in a dark alley, The place slightly fogged up giving it a mysterious vibe. Within her hand, Illuminating the darkness was what looked like a key covered in gold and coated with blue crystals.

She walked forward and inserted the key into the wall. With a seconds delay, A door appeared on the wall out of nowhere. It was tiny and colored blue with gold specks around it.

Dreaming Irene however wasn't fazed by this and turned the key causing the door to open, sending a gust of wind which blew Irene inside.

Everything started disappearing and we were awoken to an ear-piercing scream.

Irene's POV

What was that dream?

It's strange that I have been having it every single night since my parents told me that I would be joining a school this year instead of being home schooled.

I don't know what is happening to me, maybe it's caused by fear?

Whatever the case is, I should probably get dressed as light is already entering through the curtains, signaling that morning has arrived.

I get dressed in my regular blue dress and pink shoes. I comb my long blonde hair back and put in my jeweled headband. 

I adore anything to do with jewels and sparkles!

How do I afford it you ask?

My parents are jewel traders and we are pretty rich if you ask me.

I see my breakfast has been put on the small fancy table in my room.

Today is my last day to myself. Tomorrow I will have to go to school and I am dreading it.

I don't know the first thing about how to act at a school.

There will also be other students, How am I supposed to act around students? 

Wait, Starting tomorrow I will be a student as well!

It also is a little exciting.

I have the whole day free so I figured I should go see Grandma as when school starts I may not have enough time.

I see my driver getting the small limo ready for me. My dad bought it for me on my 12th birthday and since I'm not old enough to drive yet, I have a driver.

"Hey Tom." I say with a smile on my face in greeting to my driver.

"Let me guess Miss Irene, will you be visiting Mrs. Diamond today?" Tom says.

Tom is the closest Grandfather figure I have, I was told that my Grandparents supposedly died when the ship they were on sunk. Their bodies nor the shipwreck was never found and my parents don't like mentioning them much, which is understandable I guess.

One thing about Tom though is that he always knows just where I want to go.

Grandma Daphne is the town's jewellery shop owner and we met when one of my earrings broke.

"Yes, tomorrow I will be starting school." I respond with a sigh.

I get in the limo and Tom starts driving out of the iron gates of our mansion and towards the lively streets of the city.

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