Chapter 5

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We were the last ones to be seated in the assembly hall and were seated in the last row, me being at the end with Mei next to me.

I groan as I look at who was stood on the stage next to a gigantic mirror, Professor Snow White.

I swear she hates me for some reason since I can practically feel her beady black eyes glare at me with judgement.

"Welcome students to Regal Academy, where we pride ourselves on teaching young, ambitious, gifted pupils into becoming the best they can possibly be. As most of you will remember from last year and for our new students, we have a team system here. The magic mirror will choose your teams and you will be required to stand on stage once your name has been called out. May I remind you this is to be done in a calm, orderly fashion and there will be no changing teams and no causing scenes tolerated unless it is an extreme circumstance. I wish you all a happy, prosperous year." Professor Snow White says as she steps down from the stage and Prince Crystal with Headmistress Cinderella go up.

"Violet Ogre."

"Gerald Ugly Duckling."

"Odette Swan."

The mirror starts showing images of different students and HC calls their name making them walk up to the stage and the mirror gives an opinion of them.

I just zone out the rest of the people and start to fall asleep until I feel someone jab me in the side.

"Ow, Mei what the fuck?" I shout at her.

"You idiot get up there, they just called your name." Mei whispers to me as I see Snow White send a glare once again directed towards me.

"Can I just poke her eyes out?" I sigh as I take my time walking up the steps to the stage and stand next to a pink haired girl.

"Miss. Crystal White, pay attention!" PSW snaps.

Everyone turns and looks towards me.

"Yeah, I get it.I'm the strange entertainment here now find somewhere else to piss." I roll my eyes.

"Language once again Miss. Crystal White."

"Shake my head." I mutter.

'You never stop running your mouth, do you?'

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you wand. Your existence wasn't that much of a deal for me before.

"Hawk Snow White."

I watch as a blue haired boy walks up to the stage and stands on the other side of the pink haired girl.

"My poor son, I can't believe you're stuck with this incompetent team." PSW quietly says but Magister Rapunzel and the other teachers heard her.

"Excuse you? Did you just call my Astoria incompetent?, I'll have you know it was her who got the highest mark last year not Hawk." Magister Rapunzel retorts as PSW's face goes bright red.

" Professor Snow White, I hardly believe this was the good example you were mentioning that the staff should set." Prince Crystal says.

I snicker. I feel a little sympathy for the boy.

Wasn't he one of Rose's friends?

"Isn't it too early for a bitch fight? Can we continue playing Mirror Mirror In The Hall, We're all waiting..." I tap my foot and gesture towards the mirror.

I just want to sleep. One good thing, at least good to me is that my sass has more than tripled the amount after that.

"Oh right." The teachers mutter in unison.

"Rose Cinderella."

"Travis Beast."

Rose comes up and hugs me as HC nods in approval and PSW tries to hide her scowl.

"I can't believe we're on the same team along with Travis and Hawk." Rose says.

"Ahem." Astoria coughs loudly.

"And Astoria too, our grades are in safe hands." Rose smiles.

"Oh my grade." Astoria looks like she is going to pass out any minute.

"LingLing Ironfan."

It took almost all of my strength to not double over in laughter as I see the girl who Travis fell on walk to the stage with a glare that could rival PSW's directed at Travis who hid behind Hawk.

We all get told to go up to the mirror one by one.

After it described Astoria as a hardworking princess, It was my turn.

I hear a laugh in the crowd and look to see on the first row, a blonde having a bad hair day smirk at me as she looks at the mirror.


"... I don't like you, you give me and vibes."  The mirror says in a bored voice to me after a long, dramatic pause.

What the fuck?

Did I just get insulted by a.glorified charity shop broken mirror?

"Well you can piss right off then, I don't like you either." I say to it as I yawn and walk down the stairs like the boss I am.

"What did you do to the mirror? How dare it use such unbecoming but truthful terminology?" PAW looked close to fainting as I walked passed her.

If only I had my jewelled sunglasses.

"Wow, you're even cooler when you talk like that, teach me!" Rose says as she walks next to me out of the assembly hall.

We were the last team to consult the awful mirror.

"Rose, I don't think your Grandmother will approve." I say.

"But your dad even joins you, please I want to learn how to speak Crystallian." Rose pleads.

Wow she sure is persistent.

What the hell is Crystallian?

Is that the deceased language of Crystal Palace?I

Where am I getting all this knowledge from?

I feel so strange, it's like I can't control my thoughts or mouth spilling out.

"Yes that's exactly what it is and Rose... I don't know... It's hard to learn." I say unsure of what to say.

My common swearing habit has turned into it's very own language, Crystallian.

If this wasn't all so weird, I'd be impressed with myself.

"Oh, so that's why you keep talking like that, makes sense since you are from CP. I really want to learn too, It's awesome when you shut the teachers up." Astoria says.

"Maybe I'll teach you another time." I say.

For the rest of the day we were tasked with getting to know our teammates better and hanging out.

Rose, Travis, Astoria, Hawk, Ling and I decide to go to a fairytale mall.

I wonder if it's different to a regular mall.

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