Chapter 7

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I also got blue streaks in my hair done, which kind of makes it look badass along with the eye tattoo that the contract gave me.

"What do you mean you maxed out my bank account along with the trust fund I placed in yours?" Prince Crystal exclaims.

"I didn't max it out, you still have one coin left. You're the one who added me as a user into your account and didn't set a limit." I smile sweetly as I point to the one digit on his phone screen.

"It can't be helped." He sighs as he takes a key from the necklace around his neck and inserts it into a safe and takes out there golden cards.

"They're coin cards and they are unlimited and extremely rare." He says as I flip them over and sure enough my name was written on one of them.

I hand the other two back to him as he places them back into the safe, locking it.

"Wow, thanks dad!" I say genuinely as I hug him.

He stiffens slightly but then pats my back.

I'm not a gold-digger or anything, it's just since I've gotten here Prince Crystal has acted more of a Father than my real Father.

I still cannot believe my so-called parents sold me to this school for three years, not even bothering to tell me.

If they really wanted me gone, they should have said so.

I would have left.

Maybe after three years I'll just remain here, I'll be set for life living as an heiress if the real one isn't found and if she is, I'll still get a large sum of cash and residence here if I choose so.

I don't want to be somewhere I'm unwanted.

"Yeah sure." He says as I put them in the holder that my I.D is in and almost drop it.

My picture on the I.D card had magically updated to my new look.

Magic is creepy but cool.

Just like Professor Snow White I guess.

I snicker.

PSW gave Hawk and all of us sugar apples since we caught her sneaking a bag full into school. 

I walk out of Prince Crystal's office and head to the ballroom.

The ball is going to be tomorrow night so Headmistress Cinderella gave us today and tomorrow to prepare with etiquette lessons.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Professor Rina DeBallet, and I will be teaching you how to dance." She says as she instructs us to get into two lines.

Don't you get that pissed off feeling when you're the last one standing or there is nobody left to partner up with?

"Let's see, since we have one less boy in the class, why don't you partner up with Mei?" The teacher asks me.

"Sure." I say as I stand in the boys line next to Hawk and Mei stands opposite me next to Rose.

"First bow to your partner and then waltz." She says as we all bow.

"No, no, no, not like that." She scolds Hattie who bowed really low.

"Maintain a steady rhythm class!" She claps her hands as everyone attempts to do the waltz.

"Ow, you fucking stepped on another one of my toes!" I exclaim as Mei stepped on my toe for the millionth time.

"Sorry, ack." She sighs as she steps on my toe again as we were about to turn.

"Are you a bloody gargoyle?" I ask.

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