Akashi Seijuurou.

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I began to regret ever accepting Shintaro's offer to set me up. I should be spending these few free moments I had with Seiji, not meeting someone I've never met before. Not to mention how much I loathe blind dates. I don't like not being in control, and for that I needed information. Information that it's usually given to me by my private investigator, information I could not demand for as I don't know who I am meeting.

It's not like I've ever had luck with relationships. Throughout middle school and high school people had tried to lie and manipulate me for my family's fortune and fame. College consisted in one night stand after the other, simply to try to chase the loneliness away. Not to mention that my own marriage was arranged by my father. Though, there was no other way I would have ended up marrying a woman anyways. I am GAY! But it seems that it did not matter to my father. After all, I had to continue the linage of the Akashi and could have not dirtied our family name by being in an homosexual relationship.

Luckily to me, the old man is long dead and could no longer make my life miserable or try to make my son's life a living hell like he did to me.

The only good thing that man ever did was choosing a good woman for me to marry. Satsuki Momoi, could have never become the love of my life- her body part were a dead give away- but she became one of my best friends and biggest confident. She understood that I could never bed her and kept silent when we visited Shintaro for the procedure so she could end up pregnant with my child. When she died after giving birth to Seiji, I cried for her. Life sincerely was not the same after she was gone. I had never thought that I would raise a son on my own.

It was... scary, not that I would ever admit it out loud. After all, I am an Akashi and we should be fearless. But Satsuki had promised to be there by my side all the way and help me not become the monster my father was. But I somewhat managed to succeed. My son, as expected, distinguished on every field. His grades are always at the top, as are is modals and ballroom abilities, he is a top athlete and a great musician. I taught him about the importance of winning but assured him that if he lost there will be no repercussion, that he was only human after all and that he could always learn from his mistakes. Also, I never punished him when he made a mistake while learning something... not like my father had done to me.

Seiji was so similar to me that it always made me smile. He loved basketball like I do, being point guard is his objective, he got my hobby of backhorse riding, his competitive nature as well. Though he is also different to me in other aspects, like he preferred to learn piano over violin like me, and instead of shogi he prefers western chess. Also, he got his analytic abilities from his mother. I am a genius in body language, which always helped me a lot during matches. But if you add Satsuki's genius mind to it, you end up with the Emperor Eye 2.0 that Seiji has- that boy can practically foresee the future movements of his enemies on the field.

So, I didn't mess up that much with Seiji if I am being honest. But with directing the biggest company in Japan and one of the top ones in the world, while parenting didn't leave me time for nothing else. Which translated to six years of celibate, which were adding up to my stress and had me on constant edge. Hence why Shintaro insisted on this blind date.

I just hope the man is not disaster... I prayed in my head.

Groaning internally, I entered the five star restaurant and gave the hostess my friend's name.

She smiled and said: "Akashi-sama, Mr. Kuroko Tetsuya is already waiting for you"

Good. At least, he is a punctual man. I like that. Also, Tetsuya is such a pretty name. I hope the man is pretty as well. I thought.

"Oh, how strange" the hostess thought out loud "He was right there a moment ago" she said, pointing at and empty table "Maybe he left to the restroom. Anyway, right this way sir"

"It's fine, I can get there on my own" I replied, flashing her my polite smile. As expected she flushed and started to giggle like a teenage girl.

I sighed internally at how silly women could be and started to walk towards my table. Only then did I notice the beautiful man sitting there. I did a double take.

When did he got there? How did I not notice him before? Has he been there the whole time? I questioned myself, scolding me for not noticing the man before. However, I was also intrigued by him. The hostess didn't notice him as well. He seems to have a low presence. How peculiar. Maybe this date isn't going to be such a loss of time at the end.

Reading myself, I straightened and put on my most charming smile, before I headed to the table. This time with the plan of seducing the breath-taking man in front of me.

"Kuroko-san?" I called out.

"Yes?" He replied, before looking up.

When we locked eyes, I froze stunned by the sheer beauty of those soulful eyes. They were blank, withholding every emotion but also sharing more than normal eyes could see. Luckily I had my Emperor Eye which helped me read the man before me... but even with them it was difficult. This person was a complete enigma... not to mention drop dead handsome. Now that he was facing me I could clearly see his beauty. He had a snow-white skin, no imperfections at sight, that looked so soft that it had me clenching my fist so I would not touch him right now. Bowed pink lips, perfect for kissing and made for cock sucking. Not to mentions his small and delicate frame, which made him a walking porcelain doll. Someone who fit perfectly in my arms and brought out this protective desire in me, that only Seiji had ever done.

But what had me at the edge of panting was the clash that his eyes did with his whole persona. Such a delicate and fragile body, but eyes that spoke of determination and had a fire within them that almost had me backing away.

This creature was magnificent... and he had to be mine.

"My name is Akashi Seijuurou , I will be your date tonight" 

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now