Family drama

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Who the fucking hell doe she think he is?! Coming back after all these years to try and win MY lover back. I will freaking ruined him what I did to Tetsuya's teacher and what I am doing to his parents will be a jock compared to what I am planning to do to this... this ganguro! Marching determinately towards the pair I rapidly wrapped an arm around my lover's waist and held him closely, I ignored how he tensed next to me and placed a fake smile on my lips.

"Hi, I'm Akashi Seijirou. Tetsuya's lover. It's nice to finally meet you" I said, lying through my teeth.

At least, my smile became more real when I saw the flash of pain that passed through his eyes. I calmed down a bit when I felt Tetsuya relax in my arms but I did not let my guard down. I was going to hit him with all I have.

"Calm down tiger" Tetsuya teased, patting my chest. I turned my gaze towards him and sent him a disapproving frown, which he simply ignored "Aomine-kun, what are you doing back in Japan? Weren't you heading to Orlando for the Championship?"

How does my lover know this bastard's schedule?! Oh right... he is a fan.

"I was supposed to but decided to take a detour and check something" Daiki replied, trying to play off his clear jealousy. I smirked triumphant at him and basked in glory when he glared "So, it is true. You are dating the infamous Akashi Seijirou."

I did not appreciate how he said that. What did he mean by infamous?

"I am... and I love him very much" I glowed when I heard Tetsuya say that "I am sorry..." what? why? you should not be sorry for loving me! "... that I could not fulfill my promise and loved you forever" Ah, then it is ok for Tetsuya to be sorry. Take that ganguro! "I see a future by Seijirou-kun's side and not even you will change my determination"

"Ah" Daiki sighed "I knew that letting you go would be the worst mistake in my life. It's not like you would have waited for me while I partied my life away. It wouldn't have been fair to either. But goodness does it hurt!" he chuckled humorlessly. I felt a pang of pity for him. He had the best man he could have had in his arms and let him go. I am grateful at him for being such an idiot but still, losing Tetsuya must be hell "But when the Momoi's paid me a visit and told me about you living with someone else I had to take my chances, I did not want to live with the 'what if' hanging" and just like that all the pity vanished.

"What do you mean by 'when the Momoi's paid me a visit'?" I demanded to know, gritting my teeth.

What did those bastards want now?! They are the worst kind of people out there, I still cannot believe Satsuma could have come out from such disgusting creatures. They freaking sold their daughter into an unhappy marriage for power. Like all those people out there they only wanted to bragging rights and connections that being related to the Akashi's meant. They did not even come to their daughter's funeral or paid my son, their grandson, a single visit. They even tried to tell me how to rule my company when father died, excusing themselves by saying I was too young and raising a son on my own. Fuckers! They surely did not like noticing that their position did not change in our circles, but everyone knows that they fell out of my favor the moment they didn't bat an eye when their daughter died. They tried to pay the grandparents card many times but I did put them in their place. With father no longer alive and Satsuki gone I didn't even invited them to the parties they used to be invited before the marriage connecting our families. If anything their position decreased, while the Midorima and Murasakibara rise.

"Yeah, those two came to me acting like concerned grandparents about how they were worried the kid, Seiji, would be raised by two gay men. They wanted me to come here and sweep Tetsu off his feet. I called bullshit the moment I met them" I snorted, oblivious to the rage rising inside me "I don't think they even had an issue with gay people or with Tetsu, but they surely loath you Akashi. They wanted you to suffer, that much I can tell you" my knuckles became white from how strong I was clenching my free hand "I don't know what's going on or what their issue is with you family but do not allow Tetsu get involved in any kind of trouble or I will come back and take him away. Got it?" he had the guts to threaten me and kiss my lover's forehead, before saying his goodbyes and going away.

I took my scissors from my pocket and was about to throw them at that ganguro's retreating back, my patience gone. However, Tetsuya stopped me and distracted me with a kiss. One that needed up in a full makeout session. Once I've finally calmed down I let his lips go but kept him close, my forehead touching his while my arms were wrapped around his waist.

"Would you like to eat some lunch Seijirou-kun? I made it for you" he told me, not even mentioning Daiki or the Momoi's for which I was grateful.

"Yes, baby, I would love to" I smiled at him, finally retreating but keeping an arm around him "Let's go to my office for some privacy"

Later while we were eating in a comfortable silence, I could not take my eyes off my lover. Tetsuya was eating a jumbo cookie, he was giving it bites like a chipmunk. The cookie was really really big so he had to hold it with two hands. He simply looked too adorable for words. And even more for this world. I made a mental promise then and there to make sure that everyone knew that making business with the Momoi family or even keeping contact with them will mean hell to pay form the Akashi's. They will lose every connection, their business and position in a blink. They will still have more than enough money for generations to come but that means nothing when they'll be in the blacklist of everyone in Japan.

Sweet revenge is better served cold.

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now