You are one of a kind.

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After ordering, I faced my date and asked: "So, Kuroko-san tell me about yourself"

"Well, I'm twenty-one years old in a few months I'll be twenty-two. I am in my last year of psychology in T University and am planning on getting a doctorate in Couples and Family Counselling at K University. My professors say that I have a pretty good change of getting there and even gaining a scholarship as my marks are always the top of my class. But mostly because I work part time as the assistant of the head department of the psychology and psychiatric area of the Midorima Hospital... sorry, you must be bored by this" he mumbled cutely.

But no matter how cute he is, I will not allow anyone to put words in my mouth.

"Did I ever say that? Don't simply assume what others think, it's very impolite" I chastised him, as I would to Seiji.

His reaction was adorable: he blushed beat red, looking down to his lap embarrassed and muttered a barely audible 'sorry'.

"I found it very interesting" I continued, almost blushing at how adorable Tetsuya looked when his eyes shined in excitement "You must be a very hardworking person, not to mention brilliant. Shintaro does not let anyone in such an important position if they are not vastly qualified" I praised.

"You know Midorima-kun?" He asked, innocently.

"Yes, he, Atsuhi and I been friends since middle school" I answered, confused by the familiar way my date called my best friend "Do you know him? I mean outside work"

"Yes, I actually had a blind date with him... when you mean Atsuhi, could it be that you are referring to Murasakibara-kun?" he inquired, I simply nodded still stuck on the fact that my best friend set me up with a an ex of his "I also had a blind date with him. Actually, they are the reason why I decided to get a doctorate in in Couples and Family Counselling. Their actual boyfriends are previous ex-blind dates of mine, I set them up. How are their relationships going? I haven't talked to them in a while"

"They are very happy together" I answered, more relaxed right now.

It looks like I won't need to threaten any of my best friends, that's good. There seems not to be any kind of history between them, other than one date that went wrong and him finding their actual partners. Just in case I will ask Shintaro and Atsuhi, I can't ask Tetsuya that. At least, not right now. Otherwise, I will sound like a jealous boyfriend and might scare him off by my intensity.

"I'm glad" Tetsuya said, his poker face breaking for a second to show the most angelic smile I've ever seen in my life- but as soon as it came it went away.

Pity I was enjoying it. Well, I will have other chances to see it again. More preferably on bed. I thought.

"What about you? What can you tell me about yourself?" he asked, surprising me yet again.

Not only was the an angel fallen from heaven, with a kind heart and a brilliant mind, he also did not fall into rumors or scandals. I must have enough of them that people think they know everything about my life. They simply always assume... well, not always.

"Something in particular you want to know?" I replied.

"You know, it's not polite to answer a question with a question" it was his time to scold me.

I looked at him for a second, eyes opened, stunned. This was the first time someone had ever spoken back at me. Not only that, he even had the guts to correct my manners. Soon I found myself throwing my head backwards and laughing my heart out. This boy was priceless!

"Though, I do have something specific I want to ask" he continued, once I had stopped laughing, voice getting smaller as he spoke and looking back at his lap in a sudden act of shyness "It's ok if you don't want to answer, it might be too personal for a first date... but it's about your wife" I stiffened when he brought up Satsuki, not liking where there conversation was going "I just want to be sure that I am not a rebound or if you are out on a date with a guy to try something new. I'm in a time of my life in which I have to prioritise my studies and if I am getting involved with something it's going to be serious, going somewhere. I have no time for fooling around, no matter how hot you are"

Once again I was stunned into silence by the man in front of me. There are few things that can leave me speechless and it only happens once in a blue moon. But this man has managed to do it three times in a span of less than an hour. I just have to make him mine. I won't stand for anything less. He already thinks I'm hot, so I have half the job done.

"I am a very busy man, Kuroko. I wouldn't assist to blind dates simply to fool around. As you did mention I am hot, which means I can easily pick someone up for a night of passion without all the bother of going for dinner. I am taking this seriously" I told him, grabbing gently his hand over the table. Enjoying how red he got when I started caressing his hand with my thumb "I loved... no, I love Satsuki. She was my biggest confident and great friend, but she was never my love romantically. I married her because my father forced me to, but I have been gay my whole life. So, you don't have to worry about being someone's replacement or fighting off ghosts of the past. If you want we can evade ever mentioning again"

"No! We can't do that!" he exclaimed, his cool façade breaking up "She used to be your wife and your son's mother. I can't ask of you to forget her or not mention her, that's not healthy. I know that you both love her and am not asking to replace her" he assured me.

Once again shocking me. This time I did not laugh, but I smiled gently in return. Tetsuya becoming one of the few persons I show an honest smile to.

"You are one of a kind" I said, softly, chuckling when the boy blushed at my words.

The rest of the night was spent in a calm and placid conversation, we talked about his college, my work, his friends and my son. I loved how he was honestly interested on my work and on my son. All the others faked interest, when they really just find my work boring, or are scared at the prospect of parenthood. But not Tetsuya, he was fascinated by my job and simply adored the stories about my son. It seems like he loves children and was planning on specializing on child psychology before the situation with Shintaro and Atsuhi happened.

I won the jackpot with this guy. I made a mental note to gift Shintaro with an all paid trip for him and his boyfriend on one of my many hotels abroad, he did present me the love of my life after all.

By dessert I had managed to get him to call me Akashi-kun, the -san reminded me too much f my father to my taste, and for him to allow me to call him Tetsuya. By the end of the dinner I had his consent to drive him home and planned our next outing. My patience was rewarded with a chaste kiss to my lips, before he left my car blushing as red as a tomato.

It was a perfect night.

Thank you Shintaro. Thank you... 

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now