Bonus Chapter: Another point of view.

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Tetsuya's P.O.V:

I woke up once again by Seiji getting in our bed and cuddling against me. I smiled, eyes still closed and wrapped my arms around him to hug him closer to me. I loved this little guy with all my heart and really hoped Seijirou-kun and I figure out our issues soon. Seiji is a smart little guy who has realized his father and I had been having some problems with our relationship. We've tried to keep this from reaching him but we both could see through his cool facade and see that Seiji was worried, he became clingy and would almost never leave my side. He even dragged me all over Kyoto! I believe he thinks he would lose me if we don't fix our problems, which was stupid because even if things don't work out with Seijirou-kun I will always be in his life. Seijirou-kun would never keep us apart, he won't do that to his son or to me.

Also, we will fix this discomfort we are feeling. First of all because what's going on isn't about us not being right for each other or because on of us did something wrong. It is about getting to know about our past and what we want for the future. Since we've met we moved on too fast and if it were a movie everything would have been all right... but this is not a movie. This is real life and things do not work like that. At least, now we are talking and as I always say, communication is the key to success.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by two pairs of arms wrapping themselves around Seiji and me. My smile widened and I snuggled against that firm naked chest behind me. What? Simply because we are having problems does not mean we are neglecting our other needs... like our sexual appetite. Luckily, we were not roleplaying yesterday. I have no desire to explain to a kid why a man like me is wearing female clothes and what are those weird toys.

"Good morning baby, Seiji" Seijirou-kun said breaking the peaceful silence.

"Morning, love" I greeted back.

"Good morning father" Seiji mumbled against my chest, still sleepy.

"I need to go to the office early today, you two can keep on sleeping" Seijirou-kun informed us, the 'I simply did not want you to wake up with me gone' was left unsaid.

I turned my head to kiss him goodbye, grateful for his consideration. I did tell him how much I hated waking up to see him gone. After that, I drifted to dreamland. I normally do not dream when I fall asleep, but this time was different. I dreamt of Aomine-kun and our last night together, about how we promised to love each other forever. When I woke up I was alone, I checked on the clock and it was noon- Seiji must be attending his ridding lessons.

I got off the bed and went through my morning routine, when I was finished I went downstairs to have brunch greeting everyone. I chatted with them for a while, I like the staff at Seijirou-kun's place and I believe they like me back. Once I was finally left alone with my thoughts I recalled my dream and started to feel guilty.

I did promise to love Aomine-kun for the rest of my life, but he was the first one to move on with his life leaving me alone. The pain he made me go through was the most intense heartbreak I went through. Then again I had never loved anyone before him. He was my first true love and the only one... until I met Seijirou-kun. The funny thing is that I do not feel confused about my feelings. What I had with Aomine-kun was real but it was more like fire, our love was fast to light up and consume us leaving nothing behind. Our love was based on passion and desire, but when that leaves what is left? With Seijirou-kun was different. Yes, we do feel a consuming passion for each other but that was simply the exterior of our relationship not the core of it. We understand each other, we have respect and pride, we have Seiji, we have a life together.

I feel no confusion because whenever I saw Aomine-kun I saw a present... but when I see Seijirou-kun I see a future. What I feel guilty about is breaking my promise to Aomine-kun and what his reaction is going to be. I simply hope that whenever I see him again I will be ready to confront this.

What I did not expect was to find him when I decided to bring Seijirou-kun lunch to the office.

Was my dream a premonition? It doesn't matter now, I have to face the music and hope everything goes without a hitch.

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