Seiji's birthday.

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As if he had read my mind, Tetsuya had sent to clean and dry the warder-prisoner costumes. We had a lot of fun that night. What I was glad about was the fact that my lover didn't use his safe word. It was our first role play and the risk of him doing that was high. Thankfully it did not happen.

However, the joy of that night was followed by three days of complete silence. As Tetsuya was planning on finishing correcting his tesis before Seijji's party, so he could give my son his whole attention. Seiji understood that completely and was happy about Tetsuya's care, though it did not stop him from pouting because he missed his favorite piano teacher. If I were honest, I would admit that the mood in the Akashi mansion was blue. We all grew attached to my lover.

At least it gave me time to finish dealing with the pair of monsters that called themselves Tetsuya's parents. It took my private detective less than a day to find dirt on them. The efficiency expected from someone working under an Akashi. It seems like they've been making some illegal business on the black market. A few phone calls later they had their house surrounded by the cops and the best attorney on the country after their asses. Of course, I also made sure that none of this reached Tetsuya and that every contact they tried to do towards my lover was blocked. I know Tetsuya and he would try to help them because of how big and pure his heart is and I could not let those monsters get away with what they did unpunished.

Though the waiting finished today!

I normally woke up before anyone at my mansion but this time it was my son the one who got up first. He even decided to surprise me early this morning, jumping on me while demanding to pick up Kuroko early and take him out for breakfast.

And who was I to refuse my son on his birthday?

"Seijirou? Seiji?" a sleepy Tetsuya answered the door, still on his piyamas- he looked adorable! "What are you guys doing here so early? Weren't we supposed to meet by the amusement park in... six hours?" he asked, after checking on the living-room's clock.

"We were, but someone was quite impatient" I replied with a small chuckle.

"I just missed you" Seiji pouted, in a very uncharacteristic way.

"Oh, sweetheart" Tetsuya whispered softly, as he kneeled in front of my son "I'm so sorry for being away so long" he hugged Seiji- who enjoyed every single second,-before letting us inside and serving us something to drink "Wait for me here, I will be ready soon" with that said he disappeared inside his room.

"Tetsuya's hot cocoa is the best like always!" I laughed at Seiji's joyful claim, enjoying watching him drink so happy.

There used to be very few moments that I see him acting like a real boy, which I used to enjoy to the fullest. However, ever since my lover came into our lives he made sure to teach Seiji that he can be a boy and a goo heir at the same time. I am very grateful at him for that.

I decided to look around for a bit before taking my phone out to kill the time, though those plans were thrown out of the window the moment I saw a neatly placed pile of papers on the counter. Curiously I grabbed them to see what they were about. Surprise, surprise, it was Tetsuya's thesis.

Not being able to resist my curiosity I began reading it. Before long I could not place the papers down, I've never seen a thesis so entertaining or so well written that didn't come from an Akashi. This might be even better as it made someone who had little interest on the subject discussed want to know more and more. If this does not end up being published by T University I will have a very serious discussion with the dean about the incompetence of his staff.

"Seijirou! What are you reading?!" Tetsuya exclaimed, blushing slightly.

I rejoiced on the untypical behavior my lover was showing. Who would have guessed someone so sure on himself could feel so unsure about his work.

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