Of trials and relationships.

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An expected the trial against that bastard who dares to call himself a teacher went smoothly. Not only was he found guilty of fraud and sent to prison but he also lost his doctorate and his name in the science community was run through mud.

With our last appointment finished in Tokyo, we finally travelled to Kyoto to start our new life together... or at least that was the plan if Kuroko weren't ignoring me. At first, I thought that it was because he was playing with Seiji while we were at the train. Then when we got home I thought he was simply busy unpacking and getting acquaintances to the new big place he was going to live in. However, when he simply pecked me goodnight and faced away when we went to sleep I knew something wrong was going on.

"Ok. That's it" I said, sitting up on the bed and turning on the lamp at the night-table "What's gotten into you? Is it the big change your life is going through? Or is it me?" I demanded to know, glaring sternly at him.

He sighed and got up as well "Look Seijirou-kun, I have always known what it meant to be in a public relationship with you. Being an Akashi by extension was not going to be easy, I had to start upholding a certain image or it would look bad on you. I was ready for that, being perfect or at least making people think so... but I was not ready to see the consequences that those who would go against us had to face" I frowned understanding where this was going "For me, that my teacher simply paid for his felony was enough. But for an Akashi it isn't. He had to be made an example of, so other's won't dare to cross us again. It doesn't help either that I know what your plans for my parents are" my eyes widened for a second at the discovery that he knew, that he had always known. Then again this is my lover we are talking about, always exceeding expectations "I made my decision and chose you two, the ones who stood by me and not those who threw me away. But you need to understand that all of this was a huge shock to me. It finally dwelled into me what being in this relationship meant. I am decided on making this work but I still need time to adapt to all of these changes."

I sighed, now understanding what was going on and thanking that my partner was Kuroko Tetsuya the most understanding person I had the pleasure to had met. Others would have run away by now.

"I understand" I smiled gently at him, leaning down to kiss his forehead "Sorry for pressuring you"

"Do not worry about it" he smiled back and went back to sleep.

Things changed after that night, not for the worst but not for good either. At the beginning, he spent most of his time with Seiji touring Kyoto and getting to know the city better while I worked at the office, I believe he did so to remind himself of innocense, before spending the night together. But that doesn't mean he ignored me either. We started to talk, late at night when the lights were out and we could not see each other. We confessed things we had swore we would never speak about, I told him about how I almost killed myself many times under the upbringing of my father and Tetsuya told me about even after his parents disowned him and neglected him he still wanted their approval.

We spoke about what we wanted from this relationship and how we wanted to raise Seiji. We talked about how Tetsuya, for all his love of children, he had never wanted to be a parent himself but for Seiji he was willing to try... but that meant no more kids, adopted or not. I hated that, and it was my time to take some time off and think about our relationship. At the end, I accepted his decision. I already had a son who I loved and never really thought of having another one, but it was the certainty of the fact that got me.

We even talked about our ex's. I talked about how Satsuki would be irreplaceable to me, how she was my best friend, the one who saved me from myself and from my father, the one who gave me Seiji. Tetsuya talked about Daiki, his one and only true love... at least until he met me. I will never admit it to him but I felt insecure about Daiki ever coming back and snatching him away from me. Tetsuya could deal with the fact that he had to face the reality of sharing me partially with Satsuki but never fearing of being taken away or competing with someone to be my first priority in the romantic aspect of a relationship. But I? I had this Aomine Daiki somewhere out there who once meant the world and more to my lover and they didn't even break up because they weren't meant to be or because of a fight or something else, they broke up because life had them take different paths.

What if he came back and wants Tetsuya back? What would happen then? Tetsuya assured me that he had not thought of Daiki since he met me and if he did come back, he would chose me and Seiji... but I question how much of that is true. I then feel guilty because I am doing the same thing I promised Tetsuya I would not do. I promised to trust him and talk to him. We talk now. So that's what I will do. I will talk to him and solve our issues together.

Or at least, that was the plan until that stupid basketball player decided to come back.

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now