Kuroko the babysitter: Day 2.

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Seiji's P.O.V:

I woke up before Tetsuya did, instead of getting off the bed I smiled at his sleeping face and snuggled closer. Tetsuya was the only one I ever felt comfortable and with other than my father. I could not wait for him to start living with us! Which will surely happen when he moves to Kyoto for his doctorate. I only had to wait patiently for father to ask him. I won't even miss Tokyo when we all move to Kyoto, I much prefer it over here. The city filled with the history and culture of our country.

After half an hour of cuddling a sleeping Tetsuya I decided to finally get up. I went to the bathroom to wash up and dressed up to start the day. I looked at the still sleeping Tetsuya on the bed and chuckled softly, he is truly bad in the mornings!

I quietly left for the living room, I was hungry and wanted some sugary cereal. We don't have it back home, father always despised them and said why would I want cereal when I have a profesional chef to cook me whatever I want. After filling my glass with orange juice and putting some milk on my bowl, I took a seat on the table and began eating.

"Mmm" I moaned, happily "I love Kellogg's!" I said that to myself without noticing that someone else had woken up.

"I love them too, pity I can't eat them today" Ryouta pouted like a kid "I love my job but sometimes it's truly a pain in the ass... don't ever tell Tetsuyacchi I said that in front of you" I begged, eyes wide open in panic.

I chuckled at that, Tetsuya has them all under his control. Well done!

"I won't... if you take me with you. I've never seen a photoshoot before" I bargained.

"Deal!" he rapidly exclaimed "Though, you were already coming with me. My partner model is sick and we need someone to replace him, in those cases Tetsuyacchi always fills in" he told me with a sly smirk.

I underestimated him. I thought dumbfound. He looks like lap dog when in reality he is a sly fox in hiding. Mental note: Never underestimate Ryouta Kise again.

"Won't you get in trouble for bringing someone without notice beforehand?" I asked him, trying to take the focus off of me.

"No, after all today I am modeling for one of your family's branches enterprises" he informed me "I don't think they will protest about bringing the heir to a simply photoshoot"

"If I remember correctly" which I do "there is a new Akashi Phone coming out soon" I commented.

"Correct! Today's photos are for the phone's advertising" he replied with a bright smile "We will be everywhere! Billboards, magazines, subway, internet, the street, shops! It isn't the first time Tetsuyacchi has helped me before but never with a project this big, I am so happy so many people will see how magnificent Tetsuyacchi is!"

"Tetsuya is very pretty" I nodded, in accordance, after all no one could debate that fact.

"He is!" Ryouta also nodded "Talking about Tetsuyacchi I better wake him up or otherwise he won't be off bed for at least another five hours" my eyes bulged at his words, but knew better than to think of it as an exaggeration.

Half an hour later we were all inside Ryouta's manager's car, the adults talking about what the project entailed and what was expected from them, with me listening while cuddling on Tetsuya's side. Once we reached the studio, Tetsuya rapidly pulled the hood over my head and carried me in his arms, my face tucked in his neck. When we got off the car i understood why. The entrance was flooding with yelling banshees called fans and annoying paparazzi. It warmed my heart seeing how protective he was of me. Luckily, Tetsuya used his misdirection to dodge every single one of them and get us to safety inside the studio.

We had to wait for twenty minutes for Ryouta to follow us.

"Mean~ssu!" he pouted at Tetsuya "How could you abandon me? Out there is a war zone!"

"Sorry, but I had to take Seiji to safety. I can't have an scandal happen while babysitting him for the first time" Tetsuya replied, not even a bit guilty "Next time try to be less shinny"

"How?!" whined Ryouta, as his manager dragged him towards the make up room.

We both laughed at the blond model, soon following. I myself continued laughing as I watched the make up artist miss Tetsuya at least five times while doing his make up. He never left the chair and the girl still forgot he was there!

That only happens to Tetsuya, I though shaking my head in amused disbelief.

After make up, which took over an hour, they had to dress up- which took around half an hour and ten outfits change for each. However, none of them felt angsty. Both of them seem to be used to it, even Tetsuya. He looked so cool and elegant. I could not take my eyes off him while he posed for the camera.

While Ryouta demanded attention as soon as he got into the room, charismatic and shinny- like the sun. Tetsuya has a more delicate nature, sophisticated and elegant- just like the moon. They both were two sides of the same coin, so different but they still fit perfectly together. No wonder they are so good friends.

Not only that they were having fun while working, laughing and joking between scenes and sometimes during. There was a good ambient between them and the staff. I've never thought that work could equal fun before. But Tetsuya and his friends had taught me that everything could be fun as long as one wants it. Though that does not mean one should not work diligently and hard. Even while having fun they were both working seriously.

I no longer cared about Ryouta deceiving me earlier today, I was happy to have seen them work together. It was an experience I will never forget.

I hope one day I get a good friend like that.

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