Dreams and promises.

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"Just like that Seiji-kun, you only need to be more careful with the tempo. I am happy that now you are putting more emotions in your piano playing, though you need to be careful of not letting it consume you" I smiled as I watched my son and lover by the piano, I would have never thought that such a domestic scene would have made me feel complete... but it did "I know it's confusing, first I told you not to control your feelings and now I am telling you the opposite..."

"I get it, I need to find a middle ground" Seiji interrupted Tetsuya, I frowned at him disapprovingly but said nothing as I've noticed that my lover did not mind.

Suddenly my phone started to ring, I sighed as I've noticed the disappointment in my loved one's eyes. I wanted to ignore it but when I read the ID call I knew I could not. It was my private investigator, surely with news about the Kuroko trial.

"I'll come back soon" I promised them, accepting the call as I was leaving the room. Behind me I could hear my lover getting my son's attention to continue with their lesson "This better be good" I growled.

"It is" my investigator replied "The trial has reached its end and Kuroko Tetsuya's parents have been found guilty. They have been sentenced to prison for ten years and five of probation. I've made sure that none of this hit the news and talked to your lawyer so he could get you and your family restriction orders for when they are released from prison"

"Good" I replied, feeling like a weight being lifted from my shoulders.

Things were working out for us such right: the cheating professor in prison, Daiki gone back to America and from what I've heard already moved on with a new twink called Sakurai, the Momoi's lost everything and ran away in shame, and now the abusive parents of my lover are paying for their sins. But that was as expected, no one could win against the Akashi's.

Smiling to myself in satisfaction I returned to the music room and basked in the happy laughter of my family. I will protect this happiness against anyone and anything. This is my life now and I will not allow anyone to take it away from me.

"Everything alright Seijirou-kun?" Tetsuya asked me softly, smiling gently at me. That smile that only a few people could see but we two saw all the time.

"Marry me" I demanded.

The words left my lips before I could stop them. But did not regret them at all, I loved him with all my heart and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

"Of course, we just have to change the laws of this country" he answered.

Normally, one would think of that reply as a joke or sarcastic comment but I knew Tetsuya. I know that spark of mischief in his eyes, it was of a cat ready for the chase, one that enjoyed the challenge before him. I loved that side of him... I loved all of him.

"Surely, you already have a plan for that. Right?" Seiji chimed happily, his sly smile so similar to ours that I almost shuddered at the thought of what a team we would make when he grew up- the team we make now!

"Of course, I do" Tetsuya replied "It is not only a plan to get our aims but also to prepare the Japanese community for the changes and be my final project for my doctorate" that was my Tetsuya, always thinking ahead and exceeding expectations "Karachi Tendou is a bisexual politician, he is actually married to a woman but had previous relationships with men before and knows about the suffering of the LGTB community. He is aiming for the position of prime minister for the re-elections in a couple of years, with the backing of the Akashi family and all of their allies he will surely win"

"Not bad, Karachi Tendou is a great choice. Not only are his aims the same as ours but he also will be very grateful of our help and backing, we will not only have the economical power but the backing of the country" I nodded my head, liking his idea "However, the masses won't be very happy. Our generation and the next one is much more accepting, but the previous ones... not so much"

"That's why I am creating a program to incentive the awareness about the LGTB community and bullying. This programs normally do not work because it is always the same talk and do not have great reach. But with your help my program can reach all Japan and maybe even make it a must in all educational systems. My program would carter the need for every group depending of the region, age and profession"

"That might work, must phobia's are created out of fear of the unknown. If people were made aware and taught about the LGTB community the rejection to the changes will decrease. But not only students have to be made aware of things, adults have to be taught as well" I thought out loud, impressed by the amazing idea of my lover "However, you need to know that this does not mean that discrimination will stop all together"

"I know. Discrimination will always exist but at least this way things will be better for others" he replied "No one dares to say anything against the power of the Akashi but we were not that accepted when our relationship went public. Half the country loves us and sees us as the new accepting future, the other half wants us gone and are disgusted by us. Others, do not have our luck and are suffering for simply loving someone of the same sex" he confessed sadly, hugging Seiji to his side.

"We will change things" I promised, walking to his side and hugging him "With all three of us working together can you expect any other result?"

Tetsuya chuckled against my side. I kissed his forehead and promised myself to make Tetsuya's dreams come true.

The Red Emperor {The tremendous love life of Kuroko Tetsuya, Book 2} [KnB]Where stories live. Discover now