Kuroko the babysitter: Day 3.

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Seiji's P.O.V:

When I woke up on my third day with Tetsuya I felt both excited and sad at the same time. Excited because I will finally see him work, but sad because today was the last day with him. I really could not wait for father to ask him to move in with us.

Surprisingly, Tetsuya was up already but then again he takes his job seriously and would not get there late. We quietly washed up, dressed up and ate, before getting in Tetsuya's car and driving towards the Midorima Hospital. It was a very weird morning, normally Tetsuya would talk to me while having breakfast or inside the car. But not this time, he stayed quiet and serious... I could even say mad? It all happened after checking something on his phone after brushing his teeth, what could he had found out that made him this angry.

I quietly followed him as he marched through the hospital, ignoring every hello that came his way- which weren't that many thanks to his low presence. He headed straight towards uncle Shinto's office and slammed it open. I opened my eyes in surprise at his action, the usual calm and respectful Tetsuya was acting as if he owned the place.

"How could you?!" Tetsuya seethed, narrowing his eyes in anger "How could you steal my tesis and publish it in your sciene magazine?!" this time he yelled.

I jumped slightly startled at his behavior. Rapidly shutting the door, so no one would notice the scene, I moved closer to Tetsuya to try to calm him down. Once he remembered I was also there he calmed down for a little bit. I still could not believe what I had just heard, uncle Shintaro had stolen Tetsuya's tesis. There must be a mistake on that.

"Calm down Kuroko, I stole nothing from you. If you had taken the time to read the whole paper, you would have notice that I gave you full credits for it. I even sent you check as a payment" uncle Shintaro said in a calming voice.

"That doesn't mean you had any right to publish it without asking me first!" Tetsuya snapped, loosing control of his emotions again "Did Seijirou-kun put you up to this?"

That does sound as something my father would do. I thought wryly.

"Seijirou had nothing to do with this" my uncle replied, calming us both down "Your teacher did"

"Sensei? Why?" Tetsuya asked confused, as was I.

"Your tesis Tetsuya is a mastermind, perfect in every aspect. Your teacher was jealous that someone as your as you was capable of doing something he was incapable of in his entire life. He came to us with your tesis to pass it as his, which he almost could have gotten away with it if it weren't for the fact that I always check every paper that is published in my magazine. I've noticed your tesis right away and corrected the mistake before it was published" he explained to us. Tetsuya was astonished by the news, looking paler than I've ever seen him "I've already sent cops to his place and had him arrested for fraud. I even called T University to tell them about it all, they've never heard of your tesis. You would have never graduated Kuroko. Luckily at the light of facts they accepted it even if it was late and agreed to publish it"

"I... I can't believe it" Tetsuya stuttered, sitting down before he collapsed "How could he do this to me? He was my favorite sensei, I trusted him the most!"

"Greed, envy, jealousy, are horrible emotions" uncle answered "Note of advice, next time before showing a finished paper have it recorded so no one can steal your rights away. You never know when someone might steal your idea away"

"Noted" Tetsuya replied with a weak smile "Thank you... and sorry for barging in a and accusing you, Midorima-dono"

"Don't worry about it" uncle Shintaro replied "I should have called you and explained all of it beforehand, I was in the wrong too. By the way your shift should be starting soon, you better get changed before that" he advised him.

"I will" Tetsuya replied before turning to me "I am so sorry Seiji, I must have scared you" he hugged me, making me feel all loved and safe again "I will never do it again, ok. Now be a good boy and wait for me here with you uncle, I will come to collect you for lunch"

"I can't go with you?" I asked bumped.

"You can't. I assist with therapy, those are private stuff that no one can witness" he replied, kissing me on the forehead before biding us goodbye.

"Did you tell father about that bastard?" I asked uncle Shintaro once Tetsuya was gone.

"Language and yes I did. He was furious" he answered, not looking up from his papers.

"As he should be" I snorted satisfied.

Tetsuya will have the best lawyer to represent him and put that joke of a teacher in jail, and when he comes out he would have not only lost his job but his reputation as well.

I stayed the rest of time quietly waiting for Tetsuya, while reading an e-book from my iPad. I have been having so much fun these few last days but I have to keep up with my studies too. Without even noticing it was already noon and Tetsuya was picking me up for lunch. This time around I really noticed how many people knew Tetsuya and like him, congratulating him about his debut in the Midorima Magazine and telling him how innovative and incredible his paper was.

I felt a huge feeling of pride but also worry. Now that father and him were public many will think that the only reason why someone so young got his paper published in such a prestigious science and medical magazine was because Tetsuya was dating father. Of course those who understood psychology would notice that those claims were not real but the rest of the people won't. The backlash will be bad... but as I had a peaceful and enjoyable lunch with Tetsuya I knew that it didn't matter. Tetsuya will get through with this, I knew it and if he can't on his own he has father and I having his back.

He will be fine and so will we. That calmed me down, I no longer cared about father coming to pick me up tomorrow if anything I was waiting for it impatiently. After all, we needed to come up with a plan to cover Tetsuya's back.

But for now I kept quiet and simply enjoyed my lunch and the rest of the day with my favorite person in this world, not counting father.

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