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"Well of course I don't like you, I'm not allowed to anyways" I shrugged

"Wait why not"

"Because I'm your tutor, duh"

"Right." He looked down, "No feelings?"

"No feelings." I lied

"Good" Joey smiled and hugged me tightly

Joey ended up driving me home after that very awkward conversation about our friendship. The whole week went by pretty fast and so did
tutoring, Joey has been catching up with classes.

Friday, at school.

I sat down beside Charles and Alissa waiting for class to start when people started pouring in circling around our table. I looked at Alissa then at charles,

"Whats happening?" I whispered

Charles opened his mouth to respond but then I saw Lauren approaching me.

"Fuck you"

"Excuse me?" I stood up from the table and stood in front of her

"It's your fault Joey broke up with me" She screeched

"No it's not, I didn't force you to stalk us I didn't force you to be jealous, you're jealous because you think I'm a threat"

"Oh please, I was not jealous, you're a slut who goes around taking other girls boyfriends"

"How am I a slut"

"Are you kidding me?" She laughed and looked at Charles and walked toward him, "everyone knows your bestie likes you, well except you"

"Screw you Lauren" Charles replied, she just turned laughing.

"And yet you go after his bestfriend? Thats messed up"

"That does not make me a slut, fuck you"

  I felt a burning sensation on my cheek, she just slapped me. I put my hand on my cheek and looked at her in shock, I reacted quickly and pushed her backwards. She took her chance and threw her phone at my face causing me to cut my lip on my teeth, I held my lip keeping the blood in my mouth. Not even a second later I heard Joey push through the crowd. He walked up to Lauren,

"What the hell is your problem, I dumped you because you're annoying and clingy, not because of her so get over yourself" she stood in shock and walked away as for me, Joey walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders,

"Are you ok Lex?" He looked into my eyes

"Uh yeah"

"Lets go to the nurse for an ice pack"

"Wait I need to talk to Charl-"

"No, you need to clean up that cut lets go" he dragged me to the nurse

It was day c for my schedule and I didn't have any classes with Charles,nor lunch, so I probably wouldn't be able to talk to him until after school. Joey opened the door to the nurses office, no one was there.

"Sit" he pointed to the bed

I sat down and he walked toward the fridge and pulled out an ice pack,

"Im sorry she did that to you, I honestly didn't expect it" he sighed

"Its fine Joey"

He grabbed a paper towel and soaked it in the sink. He then sat beside my and pressed it against my lip,

"I can't believe she's putting you in the middle of this"

I took the paper towel from his hand and held it myself,

"Well maybe she liked you alot and shes hurt but either way shes a bitch"

He laughed, "yeah she is"

"Here let me see" He took the damp paper off my lip and inspected the cut, I couldn't help but look at his eyes. His eyes moved from my lips to my eyes, he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and inched closer,

"Excuse me what are you two doing in here?"

I turned to see the nurse with Lauren, ugh.

"She had a cut on her lip" Joey answered, Lauren shot us both a dirty look.

"You're not suppose to touch anything in here"

He stood up from the bed, "I just took a paper towel and an ice pack"

The nurse nodded, wrote down two hallway passes and pointed to the door while handing them to Joey, oh my god. Joey almost kissed me.

"Lex? Helloooo"

"Oh uh what" we were walking down the hall on the way to class

"Did you hear anything I said?"

"No sorry"

"Theres a party tonight, and you're coming with me"

"You know I don't like parties Joey"

"Yeah but I want you to get to know my friends better, besides, you need more friends"

"Hey, I have you, Alissa and Char"

"Ok yeah but thats not enough come on, three friends really?"

"Who's going?"

"Char and Alissa of course and basically our whole grade"

"I don't know" I looked away

"Pleaseee, you have to" He pleaded

"Fine" I gave in

"Yes! You're gonna have so much fun, I'll come by your house at eight"

I guess I can talk to Charles then.

Instagram / purposechoey
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