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Charles invited me over to his house to play fortnite after school and I agreed since I was trying to avoid Joey, after he asked me that things between us got awkward. Every time we tried to talk to each other after a few words it would go silent, so I decided to just give it a week, but he doesn't know that. I sat down in my seat for History which at the moment sucks because Joey is right beside me,

"Can we please talk?" I turned my head in the other way pretending not to notice.

"Lexi, please" I felt his hand on my shoulder but the teacher instantly reminded him to keep his hands off other people.

"Lex?" His voice was shaky, don't do it. I turned around.

"Yeah?" My voice croaked

"Why are you avoiding me?" No matter who you were, you could tell he was upset.

"I'm not it's just awkward right now, ok?" Yes, I like him, but being friends was really nice. Maybe it should stay that way.

"So we can change that I don't want that stupid joke to shake up what we had, please."

"What did we have exactly?" My eyebrows furrowed, why does he even care?

"We were such good friends"

"We are good friends, I just need time to get over your joke ok?"

"Of course take all the time you need"

I nodded and turned my head down to my phone, soon enough the bell rang. I ran out to the parking lot avoiding talking to Joey and saw Charles' car waiting for me. I opened the side door quickly and shut it just as fast.

"Drive!" I yelled at him

"Whats the rush?" He was trying to irritate me

"Charles go!"

"Alright alright" Just before he could press in the gas Joey ran up to my window.

"Text me, please" He looked desperate,

"Okay" Charles pressed on the gas and we drove away,

"Why are you still avoiding him" He questioned while keeping his eyes on the road

"It's complicated"

"No it's not" he snapped

"It doesn't even involve you Charles"

"Yes it does, you're probably hurting him, and hes my best friend"

"Whatever Charles"

"Damnit Lex, text him!" He hit the steering wheel which scared me


I pulled out my phone from my pocket and looked for his contact.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and looked for his contact

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"Okay we're good now, happy?"


We pulled into his driveway and I opened the front door. I was greeted by Paige and Angel jumping on my legs.  I dropped down and played with then while Charles went to set up fortnite.

"Hey, games ready"

I got up and sat on the couch as Charles played a round by himself. While I was scrolling through my Instagram feed Charles started talking about a girl he likes,

"So whats her name Char?"

"Oh I'm not telling you"

"Why not"

"You don't know her"

"Right ok well you should tell her you like her" he turned around and raised an eyebrow,

"Thats like me telling you to tell Joey you like him"

"You're so annoying" I rolled my eyes and fell backwards on the couch.

"I'll tell you who it is soon"


Charles and I ended up playing fortnite all night, I ended up sleeping two hours before I had to wake up to meet Joey at the mall. I walked home showered, changed and waited for my uber to arrive.

Joeys POV

Lex texted me telling me she was around the corner so I made my way to the movie theater where we would be watching Avengers Infinity. When I got there I saw Lauren with her friends. I did my best to get past her without being seen but of course she saw me and ran up to me.

"Hi baby"she squealed annoyingly

"Hey" she continued to hug my waist


I turned my head around and saw Alexis,

"Oh hey" I gently pushed Lauren away and walked over to Lex.

"Ready?" I asked

"Yeah" we walked up the steps to get into the theater but Lauren pulled me back by my hand.

"What is it Lauren?" I made sure she could hear I was annoyed

"You're going into the theater with her?"

"Yeah, shes my friend why does it matter"

"Because ever since you met her we barely spend time together anymore"

"Can we talk about this later, please?"

"Fine, Joey, we can talk about it later but" she grabbed onto the sides of my flannel and pushed her lips on mine

I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her away, "Woah what are you doing"

"Joey whats going on with us"

"Nothing, I came here to see a movie with my friend ok? Bye"

I walked away and caught up with Lex who was in line to get popcorn.

"So is she usually that clingy with you when you're hanging out with girls or is it just me?" She questioned

"Its you"


"She doesn't like you but I don't care anymore"

"Do you even like her Joey?"

"I used to, I think I'm going to break up with her"


oh sis
Instagram / purposechoey

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