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Joey's pov.

We made up and so we planned on meet at my house so Lex could help me with my homework and some other stuff. At lunch we were talking about it when Charles nudged my side and whispered, "what about the party?"

  I forgot but I wasn't going to cancel on her, no way. "Just go without me I gotta do homework anyways" I whispered back trying not to be heard by anyone else but him, "Common' dude"

"We're gonna go get chips" I said aloud and grabbed Charles shirt pulling him away from the table, "I already have to lie to her about the party, I don't want to go"

"Well too bad, you're coming and you're going to enjoy yourself" he smirked, "Fine whatever"

We went back to the table and I saw Lexi staring at her phone like it was gonna run away or something, "Why are you staring at your phone?"

"Oh," she looked up giving me her attention, "it's just Chase" she smiled to herself, "he better fucking watch h-" she widened her eyes looking at Charles, "He better treat you right" I gave off a fake smile. "You guys are so weird" Alissa commented

I went home and changed into white jeans, surprisingly, and a maroon tshirt. I applied some cologne and walked out the door, Charles was already waiting.

We arrived to a huge ass house and when I walked in I could already smell the alcohol and weed in the air. "Don't smoke anything" Charles yelled over the music, "I won't"

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer, I felt stares, I looked to my right and saw Jade.
"Hey" she smiled

"Hi" I replied and left the kitchen trying to escape her but she followed me like a lost puppy. I could hear her calling my name over the music but I ignored her and found Charles, already, he's had too much to drink. He slumped over to me and clung on my shoulder.

"Alexis called, shes at your house waiting for you" I forgot to cancel. "Shit" I pulled out my phone to text her but I was stopped by Jade turning me around and forcing a cup against my mouth making me drink whatever was in it, salty and bitter, disgusting.

"What the hell was that" I wiped my mouth, "Don't worry you'll thank me later" she smirked and dragged me onto the dance floor.

I went along with it and danced around until I started to feel dizzy. I stumbled backwards almost falling on Jade. "Are you okay Joey?"

"Yeah I'm just dizzy" I said rubbing my head, "Lets go somewhere quiet" She grabbed my hand and guided me to a room upstairs. I sat on the bed rubbing my head, Jade found an unopened water bottle on top of a nightstand and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I opened the water bottle and drank some of it when I felt her hand touch my leg, "Woah" I jumped, "what are you doing"

"Nothing I just-" "You thought if you brought me in here it'd suddenly make me want you?" I interrupted her, "No Joey I" my head started pounding, what is happening to me.

I threw myself backwards on the bed with my legs hanging off, "What did you do to me Jade" I asked trying to ignore the pain in my head.

She climbed over me hovering, "Nothing" she smirked. She sat down on my lap causing me to sit straight up, "what the hell are you doing" I can't even tell if I'm talking my head hurt too much to feel anything else.

"Don't worry" she cupped my face making my dazed eyes look at hers, "You'll enjoy this Joey" She pressed her lips on mine, I felt nothing, I could barely even move. She pulled away and pushed my face against her neck, my eyes got heavy.

"Joey?" I heard a voice crack, my eyes shot up and I saw Alexis standing there in shock. She slammed the door shut, I pushed Jade off of me and when I stood up I nearly fell over, my head was pounding.

I opened the door and ran after her, "Lex wait" I managed to say. She ran down the stairs and into the hallway. "Stop Lex, let me explain" I grabbed her wrist. She turned around and slapped me, she just hit me. I touched my cheek where in stung,

"Don't fucking touch me Joey" I looked into her eyes, red and filled with tears. I was shocked at the fact that she hit and cursed at me.

"Just let me explain" , "Don't come near me ever again your disgusting piece of shit" She grabbed Alissa from the couch and ran out the door.

I scanned the room and everyone was staring at me, but Charles was no where to be found. I ran outside and saw Alissa hugging Lex, I approached them trying not to fall over but Alissa pushed me away. "Stay the hell away from her pig"

"Alissa listen to me, I- someone drugged me" She looked at me pretending to be shocked, "You are so low Joey, so low"

Alexis had started to walk away, I'm assuming to her house. I ran past Alissa and touched Lexis shoulder, "Please let me explain Lex"

Her back still towards me and she said, "Don't call me that, only my friends can call me that, and I hate you Joey"

instagram / purposechoey

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