A Visitor

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"Toomes. Your visitor is here" the guard called, unlocking the metal door between himself and the prisoner

Tony Stark entered the room, taking a seat across the metal table from Adrian Toomes.

They sat in silence for a brief moment as Tony decided what to say, however was cut off.

"Why are you here Stark, here to take something else off of me?" A grimace accompanied his snide comment.

Tony sighed. "No, I'm actually here to tell you about something that was taken away from me." Toomes opened his mouth to speak, but Tony continued regardless, "You see, there was this kid, Peter Parker, maybe you knew him? Well Peter had mind blowing intellect, accompanied by extreme strength, and the rather odd ability of clinging to walls."

"Y'know, he does sound a little familiar, oh, I know! He's the one who got me landed in jail and uprooted my entire life!" Toomes words were harsh, and full of blame.

"Regardless, I came here to tell you that he killed himself yesterday. This is a copy of the note he left:" Tears were selling up in Tony's eyes now, but he continued on, anger driving him, "'Please forward to Tony Stark' - how funny is that? He's writing a suicide note and he still uses his manners!? - 'Dear Mr Stark, I hope you are not the one to find me, but if so, I am so very sorry for what you found. I am being selfish by doing this, but I just cannot continue with this constant pain in my mind. Every time I close my eyes I just feel all the pain of being crushed to death by a man more powerful than me. Just like real spiders I suppose. Before the pain, my life had been in a constant state of focusing on everything all at once, but now nothing means anything to me, and goddamn it sir it just hurts.'" Tony choked up, glancing up at Toomes, who's jaw was slack in shock. He turned the page face down on the desk, and slid it across to him.

"I'm sorry Stark" He grabbed the paper up, reading through it, his hand to his mouth, "I have to ask you though, why do you care about this kid so much? What is-, was, he to you?"

Tony stood up in outrage, standing behind his chair and pushing it in aggressively, "I just told you a boy killed himself because of you, and you want to know why I care?!" He turned to leave, calling around the corner for the guard to unlock the door.

Toomes was silent as the guard fumbled with his keys, oblivious to the stress brewing in the room.

Just as Tony was passing through the doorway, he turned back "That kid was everything to me Toomes, everything! And you killed him. You have to live with that. And I have to live with the fact that I let you. Maybe we both got we deserved in the end."

So oneshots. That's a thing I do now.

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