Not your fault.

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Tony sighed as he answered the call. "Peter, I'm in the middle of a meeting!" He stopped as he registered the sound of sobs from the other end of the line. "Peter? Are you okay?"

"It's- it's May, she's hurt, I need you, I need help" Peter's voice was shaky and quiet as he struggled to form the words.

"Okay, okay," Tony hated to admit it, but he felt some relief knowing it wasn't Peter that was in danger "Just, stay calm, tell me what happened, I'm on my way."

He mouthed to Happy 'gotta go' before running out of the building, his suit forming around him and lifting him into the air.

"Pete, stay with me, are you still there?" Panic started to built as he thought of the many ways she could've been hurt.

Peter was breathing shallow, kneeling over May next to the wreckage. He was aching all over from the crash and from prying himself and her out. "I'm here Mr Stark, we-we were driving and then there was a cow in-in the middle of the road and it's r-raining here and we tried to swerve and the-the car flipped and- Mr Stark I can't feel a pulse!"

"Peter is it there and you just can't find it or is there actually no pulse?!" Tony didn't mean to yell, the stress of the situation just overtook him.

Peter's own heart rate was speeding up as he searched for May's. "I've found it, but it's slow Mr Stark, please hurry"

Another sigh of relief from Tony, "I know kid, I'm almost there".

Looking up at the sky, Peter could see the speeding lights make their way towards him. Tony landed heavily and immediately pulled Peter into a quick hug, then turning to May lying on the ground, a shaft of metal lodged through her. He sliced it off, not risking removing it, before making a suit form around her.

He only had one suit to spare, so he picked up Peter and threw him over his shoulder. Peter grunted in surprise.

Tony took off again as Peter adjusted himself to clinging on piggyback style. Despite the tension in the air, he couldn't help but smile momentarily as he was lifted upwards, holding onto the metal suit with ease.

"FRIDAY how's May hanging on back there?"

"Her conditions deteriorating, heart rate 46bpm, she's got a damaged spinal cord and multiple broken ribs, punctured and collapsing lungs, we need to move quick before complete failure, but she'll most likely lose all movement" FRIDAY said quickly.

Fear struck inside Tony once more as the severity of the situation truly dawned on him. "How long does she have?" He made out.

"About 30 minutes boss."

"And how long to get to Wakanda?" His voice was harsh as he knew the answer. 7,000 miles, it was just too far.

"An hour. We won't make it in time at this rate."

It felt like his head had just done a complete 360 as he ran through ideas. "Okay, okay, send in some nanotech and try to get her stable, we don't need to get her healed we just need to keep her alive long enough for them too."

"On it"

"Peter!" Tony shouted "Hold on tight we're about to up the speed significantly! This is gonna be fast."

Peter wrapped his arms and legs around him completely, tucking his head down, knowing it wasn't smart to underestimate Tony's definition of 'fast'.

They arrived at Wakanda with just minutes to spare, running in and ushering for Shuri. Tony had called ahead on the way, so the lab was fully prepped for use.

A stretcher lay in the middle of the room, and 'pools' of vibranium was suspended around it.

"Set her down!" Shuri called, gesturing to the bed.

Tony did as she asked, the suit dissolving as he did. Peter was running behind him panicked.

"Leave me be. I need quiet." Shuri said, turning to May and focusing entirely on her.

Peter wanted to stay but Tony pulled him away to just outside the lab doors.

"Will she be okay?" Peter asked, wavering on the question.

"Shuri is the best doctor I know, and she has the best resources for this." Tony replied, tactfully avoiding the question.

Peter sighed sliding down the wall with his head in his hands.

Tony sat down next to him, "What else is up kid?" He said, genuinely concerned.

"It's my fault, I was talking to her and she glanced over and." He couldn't finish the sentence as a sob broke through.

"Hey," Tony wrapped his arm around Peter and pulled him close, letting him lean into his chest, "It's not your fault, and May is strong. She'll get through this."

Muffled, Peter responded "I hope so."

They both stayed there for hours after, Peter eventually falling asleep before Tony woke him as he saw Shuri leaving the lab.

She walked up to them with a blank look on her face.

"Will she be alright?!" Peter asked, standing up hurriedly.

"You brought her in here with lungs on the verge of collapse, a near severed spinal cord, 3 broken ribs and 2 fractured." She feigned a look of sorrow, before flashing a grin and continuing, "and in a day she'll be walking out of here easy peasy. Albeit with a few bruises here and there."

Peter couldn't help himself as he rushed forward and hugged her. 'Thank you' Tony mouthed.

Not long after that, May was up and walking around, following Peter as he bombarded Shuri with questions. And a day later she was able to go home, though they all stayed one more day, just to be safe (not at all because Peter was still quite busy quizzing Shuri).

I read that Tony's fastest speed would be 15000 miles an hour,  but that seemed way too quick, so I roughly halved it. Also idk if this is necessarily Irondad content but hey it's here now.

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