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"I'm sorry"

Tony Stark downed another shot of vodka, trying to drown out the memories that kept haunting him. He rubbed at his eyes, a futile attempt to ward off the exhaustion he felt.

He had been hidden within his lab for the past week since he'd returned to Earth, not leaving to eat, sleep, or see anyone. There was a bathroom down there, but regardless if there was or wasn't, he was simply too tired to face the world in this state of chaos.

So instead he had been working, drinking, crying. Desperate projects to try to find Thanos, to bring back all those they had lost, but nothing worked, and he was close to breaking. Oh, the rope hanging from the ceiling could tell you that.

"Spare his life"

Why did Strange leave him alive? Why couldn't he have just let Thanos finish the job? Why did Tony always have to be the one left picking up the peices? The one left alone?

He slammed his hands down on the desk, sweeping them to the side as he stood. The shot glass shattered on the floor along with a great many priceless inventions.

Pepper was gone. Not necessarily dead, just gone. Lost amongst the panic of the universe,or maybe just intertwined with dust on the mantelpiece. Not even JARVIS was left, Tony had had to sacrifice him too.

Sure, he had FRIDAY, but she was all machine, JARVIS had been memories, a reminder of a life long passed. All Tony had left of anyone now was memories.

He took another swig from the bottle he had picked up again.

"Boss? You've got a visitor at the door" FRIDAY's voice echoed from the speakers around the room, resulting in the bottle being thrown at the one closest.

"Well tell them to fuck off!" He turned around, shouting up at the ceiling "Tony Stark has failed alright!? I messed it all up! Happy now!?"

"I'm sorry boss, she seems quite adamant she is not leaving until she speaks to you."

"She?" A glimmer of hope sparked within his chest. Pepper? "Let her in."

A moment later the doors to the lab opened and May Parker stepped in, her face steely and calm, but the tears in her eyes betrayed her true sorrow.

"He's dead isn't he?"

Tony said nothing, just staring at her, as he fell back into his chair, pulling another bottle out from a drawer of his desk.

May marched over to him, pulling the bottle out of his hands as he began to unscrew the lid. "You tell me right now Tony Stark. Is my boy dead? Because one thing I will not have is someone giving me false hope."

He nodded silently, his line of sight drifting to the floor. May grabbed another chair from the desk parallel to him, sitting herself down on it and bringing the rim to her lips and tipping her head back, swallowing hard and grimacing at the taste.

"You raised a good kid you know?" A faint smile began to play on Tony's lips.

They both raised their heads, making direct eye contact with each other "I know" She said softly. "He faded, like the others?"

Tony nodded again.

"It's not your fault Tony. And I want to blame you, and scream at you and kick the shit out of you. But it's not your fault."

She stood up suddenly, leaning over to him and wrapping her arms around him. He pulled away at first, but quickly rested his head on her shoulder. "It feels like it is, May. I'm going to get him back, somehow, I have to."

"I made my peace with him leaving me a while ago," She let go and straightened her posture, standing up fully as a tear traced it's way down her cheek. Tony felt a shiver run through him. "Ever since I found out about the suit, and everything. And I loved him, I will always love him, but it's okay Tony, if you can't get him back. You don't always have to be the one to save everyone."

He stood up as well, looking down slightly to maintain eye contact. "Thank you, it's good to be forgiven"

May smiled sadly, "I can't forgive you Tony, you never had my blame. Come on, it's cold in this big, empty, house. We both need somewhere warm now."

They headed back to the Parker residence. Waiting, for the breakthrough they knew was coming, and sharing stories of the boy that neither of them created but both of them loved.

I love the relationship between these two

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