You just get tired

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Tears fell from his face to the floor. "You can't leave me, Mr Stark, you just can't"

Not bearing to look at him, too hurt by the sound of his defeated voice to dare look at his broken eyes, Tony turned away from Peter. The white room and pastel blue curtains left it a very bland sight.

"It's okay Peter." Was all he managed to make out, fear of breaking down halting his words.

He wasn't afraid to die, he was afraid of what would happen to Peter once he was gone. Surely he could manage on his own? And it's not like he was alone, he still had May, and Ned. But still, a sense of dread hung over Tony as the thought once again washed over him 'You won't be there to protect him'.

Peter spoke up once more, "It's not okay, you need to get better, we - we can find a way through this." He stood up abruptly, reaching for the notepad beside the bed, "You've been designing inventions even now, design something to save you!"

Tony laid his hand on Peter's. "No, I don't get to have that power. No man should."

"We can make you better, Mr Stark, you can't die like this." His voice was shallow, trembling.

A half smile crept across Tony's face as he thought about how much of a child Peter still was, even after all this time. "I'm not sick, Pete, that's the thing. I'm just old, and tired." He paused briefly, thinking about if he really wanted to say this, "I'm in pain Peter, and I don't want to die on a battlefield. I want to die here, with you, and Pepper."

Tony looked towards the closed door, Pepper was stood out there, no doubt dreading hearing shouts and screams from Peter as her husbands life slipped away. She wasn't far off herself, but she had a sense of relief that Tony would never have to feel the way she felt now about him.

The doctors had him on life support, but his state was deteriorating. They couldn't just keep him there, in pain, like an empty shell of the Tony he used to be. She had to make the decision to turn it off, or simply let his mind turn to dust. It was selfish to keep him here, but she was so afraid to lose him.

Pepper could hear muffled parts of their conversation through the door, though she almost wished she couldn't when she heard Tony tell Peter "I want to go". Hearing him say that, she just couldn't take it, she knocked but didn't wait for a response, just walking in.

Tony was holding Peter's hand, and both of them had tears in their eyes. "It's oka-" Tony stopped as he directed his attention to Pepper.

A sly smile lit up his face, his young eyes there again, filled with mischief and mystery upon seeing the woman he was still so in love with. But only momentarily as he scrunched his eyebrows together and asked Peter to leave for a second.

Peter nodded and left the room, but he could hear them clearly without even trying.

"Pepper" Footsteps echoed as she walked closer to the bed, "I need you to do something for me."

"Anything" Another tear etched it's way down Peter's cheek as he understood what she had just agreed to.

"I need you to let me die"

A choked sob, a hollow gasp.

"Pepper, please."

"No!" More desperate breaths escaped her lips. "No I'm not even going to discuss this with yo-"

"I'm dying. We can't deny that, please, just let me die with dignity." Tony was pleading now, begging her.

Peter couldn't take it anymore and headed out of the building, sitting in the car outside. Waiting for Pepper to tell him what he already knew.

After an eternity, the passenger door opened and she slipped in, staring straight ahead. "They're going to turn off his life support tomorrow Peter."

"I know"

"I'm finally going to lose him aren't I? No coming back." She started to shake as she cried, wiping at her face with her sleeve.

Peter couldn't say anything, just listening to her cry as it sunk it that he was about to lose the best man he'd ever known.

Not really much direct interaction with them but idk. I don't like the way I wrote this but I just wanted to publish something. Also yes the chapter name is a doctor who reference.

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