I need you.

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Peter slammed the door behind him as he entered the room, ignoring May on his way to his room. Not out of malice, simply afraid that if he stopped to think that he would break down. 

He fell forward on his bed, mulling over what had just happened. Ned had needed him and Peter had just left him. Clicking on his phone he started to write out a text to Ned, but he just kept deleting and retyping the same words. His thoughts were just too scattered so he put the phone down next to him.

Instead he opened his bedside drawer, pulling the hood of the suit out and putting it on.

"Hello Peter" Said Karen as words lit up in front of Peter's eyes, showing him his slightly elevated heart rate of 124bpm.

Peter sighed, "Hey Karen," he said dismally, "Can you show me the footage of this evening?"

"Of course, Peter"

The video displayed itself on the screen and Peter cringed as he watched it back. 

"Peter! You can't just abandon me for Tony's every beck and call!" 

"I'm not abandoning you Ned he needs me!"

"I need you!"

"Turn it off please Karen" He said

It turned off and disappeared out of sight. Tears were rolling down Peter's face now.

Karen spoke up after the video slipped away. "Are you ok, Peter? Would you like me to contact Mr Stark?"

"No! Don't!" Peter shouted, sitting bolt upright. "Just don't"

He stared up at the ceiling, still not sure what he should do. Ned didn't actually think he was abandoning him, did he?

"Karen?" He asked


He swallowed hard, "Do you think I'm a bad friend?"

Karen didnt respond as his phone dinged. He went to pick it up, seeing Tony's face light up the screen. It was a text reading: 'Hey Pete, are you still able to make it to the compound? I can send Happy to pick you up. '

Peter groaned in frustration, he needed to make a choice between Tony and Ned. It felt like an impossible choice, when they both needed him.

He rubbed his hands over his face, deep in thought.  "What am I gonna do?" He wasn't really speaking to anyone in particular, but Karen responded.

"Should I call Mr Stark and tell him that something came up?" She seemed to be suggesting that staying with Ned would've been the better option.

His text tone went off again, another from Tony. 'Kid, you ok?'

Sighing again, Peter wrote a reply: 'I'm fine, just might not be able to come today'
Meanwhile, at the compound, Tony was staring at the transcript being written on his screen.

P: I don't want to mess things up with Ned, Karen.
P: But Mr Stark needs me too.
K: I'm sure you can come to a compromise, Peter.

Quickly Tony pulled out his phone and found Peter's contact. Pressing call he placed it to his ear.

"Hey! So, I know I told you that we needed you here tonight, but somethings come up and we'll have to reschedule" Tony spoke into the phone, faking a tone of dissapointment.

He could practically hear the smile spread across Peter's face "Yes!" A pause before continuing in a calmer voice "I mean, yes of course."

"Ok, great!" Tony replied, "I'll text you the details later"

"Thank yo- ok I'm sorry I've got to go Mr Stark!"

"Bye kid" He hung up and smiled to himself, though he was also worried about what else had gone wrong in this kids life since Tony had come into it.
Peter pulled off the hood and opened his messages, texting Ned asking where he was as he ran out of the door. A moment later 'computer lab'  was flicked back from Ned.

"Bye May!" He called, sprinting past her as he pulled on a coat.

Running through the empty school his footsteps echoed along the halls, following his beeline to the computers.

Entering the room he saw Ned sat in front of one of them, the light illuminating his face in the dark room.

Peter turned the lights on and laughed as he turned around to see him, pulling out his headphones.

"Finally decided to actually help with this project then?" Ned said jokingly.

As he walked closer, Peter saw the slide on screen, showing a multitude of photos and diagrams, with lumps of text beside them.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Ned" Peter said, hanging his head.

Ned laughed "it's alright, I mean, Tony freaking Stark or me, who takes priority, I wonder?"

"No," Peter shook his head, "It should always be you Ned, you've always been there for me and I need to repay that to you."

For a moment Ned looked at him solemnly, as if about to offer some comfort or solemn gratitude, before laughing again and spinning back to face the screen. "Whatever man, we both get detention if we don't hand this in"

I was considering making this a PeterNed ship thing but decided just platonic pals.

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