"He wasn't my father"

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"Mr Stark?"

Peter ran to Tony's side as the others started to fade away.

"It's alright, kid, we're gonna be fine." Tony said as he held Peter tightly against himself.

All of Peter's body went stiff as he felt tension go through Tony in waves, convulsing against Peter.

"No!" Peter grabbed at Tony, trying to hold onto him but his hands just passed right through as he dissipated.

"It's alright kid" Tony choked out before he was completely gone.

Peter started to cry, clawing at the ground madly as if he could dig down through the red dirt and find Tony there.

Nebula stood next to him, her robotic hand rested on his shoulder. "We need to get off this planet" She said, not uncaring to his situation, just unsure what to do to comfort him.

Peter nodded, his face red and tear-streaked. He stood slowly, leaning against Nebula heavily.

They made their way to the Guardians' ship, which was amazingly still in somewhat decent condition. As she climbed into the pilots seat, Nebula turned back to Peter.

"I am sorry about him, at least your father loved you." She looked past him, distracted by her own thoughts before turning back to start up the ship.

After a little while though, Peter spoke up. "He wasn't my father." He could barely speak his voice was so heavy with sorrow.


"Mr Stark, he wasn't my father."

A sad smile played on Nebula's lips, however she hid this from Peter. "He might not be your blood, but he loved you just as any father should."

They got to Earth with minimal communication after that. Peter told her they should go to the compound, see who was left, but first he made a stop in Queens.

"May?" He called, walking through the door into the apartment.

"Oh my God! Peter!" She ran at him, almost pushing him over with the force of her hug. "I thought you were gone, you- you didn't come home and then everyone started disappearing."

Peter returned the hug, holding onto her desperately. He couldn't bare to lose anyone else.

"I know, I'm sorry. And I can't be here for long, but I needed to know you were okay."

May let go, leaving Peter feeling cold without her embrace. "What do you mean, 'you can't be here long', where are you going?!"

He felt guilty as she yelled at him, though he knew she was just frightened for him. "I need to get to the compound"

"No! No I will not allow that Tony Stark to drag you into any more hero work"

Peter was silent and his face fell upon hearing Tony's name.

"Peter? What's wrong?" May stepped back closer to him, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Mr Stark is dead, May."

Her hand flew to her mouth in shock. "I'm sorry, Peter."

"It's okay" He said, a tear running down his face, "Now I've got to go now, but I promise I will be back."

May went to speak but stopped, instead just nodding. She gestured to the door, staying silent as Peter gave a small smile before turning his back on her and leaving.

"Now that's over with," Nebula sighed as she saw him, "Where is this compound? We need all the help we can get."

It's short but ah well

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