Carry On

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It felt like he was falling.

Peter Parker regained consciousness almost as soon as he had lost it, waking up inside a great white expanse. The ground was cold against his face so he sat up groggily, still coming to terms with the events that had just passed.

His memories came back in fragments, and then suddenly all at once. Vivid flashes of Tony Stark's broken eyes as he had watched Peter fade away into dust. The pain as every fibre of his being begged him 'please, god, just hold on'.

The pain hit him again, tearing him apart. He threw his hands to his head, as if he could crush his own skull and finally be free of the memories. Panting and sweating he thought the pain would never end, until finally it dimmed down, and then left him entirely. 

This gave him a chance to think about where he was now. It felt like he wasn't anywhere at all actually, he wasn't even sure he was still alive, unable to detect a pulse. There was nothing, nothing at all in this world, just silence, and a bright, blinding white light.

For the first time in a long time he wasn't struggling to focus through the overload of his senses. His lungs didn't feel like they were filling up with lights, and sounds, and the feeling of every pinprick. He didn't feel like he was drowning.

Rather he felt empty. As if nothing had ever existed in this place before him, and who knows, that may well have been true. 

"Peter?" Karen's voice startled him as he scrambled to standing, "Are you ok?"

It felt wrong to speak here. Sinful. "I'm fine," He choked out, "Where are we Karen?" His chest began to rise and fall rapidly.

"I don't know. All of my systems are failing, I cannot detect Mr Stark's life signals." Somehow the words of a machine still felt broken and defeated.

Peter's voice caught in his throat. "No, no, no, keep looking for him!" He cried.

The legs of the suit erupted out of his back, stopping halfway and convulsing randomly behind him, causing Peter to be shoved and pulled against his will, the clinking of metal ringing out in the void.

Tears were streaming down Peter's face now, "Karen stop!"  The suit suddenly went still

"I'm s-sorry about that P-peter. I am struggling to understand commands at the moment, however I have been programmed with instructions regarding if I cannot detect Tony Stark's lifef-force. Shall I proceed?"

"No. No, no, no, no! He can't be gone!" Peter was holding his head in his hands now, tears dripping from his nose and chin onto the pale floor.

"You do not want me to proceed? I am afraid Mr Stark was insistent you saw this" Her voice sounded confused, as confused as a computer could be at least.

Peter sighed in defeat "Just show it to me Karen"

The suit reassembled itself, the drone detaching itself and zipping forward, projecting an image midair. It was Tony, and once the drone steadied itself the image started to move, sound playing from within the suit.

"Hey Pete." Tony swallowed, his mouth going dry as he thought about the circumstances Peter would watch this in, "Your suit can't find me, and we must've been going into something pretty big for me to have enabled this. 

"Anyway I'm probably gone," His voice cracked as he said this "so I want you to have everything you need when I'm not there. I've left you a part of the company, Pepper can run everything, but this will give you all the resources you need for anything you'd ever want.

"My family are inventors Peter, my father was, so am I, and you are my family and you're so damn brilliant, you just don't have the resources.

"So I'm giving them to you, and I'm so, so sorry that I'm not gonna be there to see you thrive and grow and get a family of your own, but I'm hoping this will help you.

"Ciao Peter, I love  you son"

Peter reached forward to touch the now once again still image, but it disappeared before he could reach it.

"I love you too"

Okay so idk if I like this one but goddammit it's staying.

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