He's Gone

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"May?" Tony Stark's voice wavered as he called through the door, his hand resting over the handle.

The door flew open, revealing the tear-streaked face of May Parker. She was trembling as she moved to see past Tony "Peter?"

Stark swallowed hard, a dull ache beginning in the back of his skull. He shook his head, "He's not here, I'm sorry."

Her face went slack, "No, he is, you're wrong, where is he!?"She was clawing at Tony now, as if he was her only tether to the world, "Where is my boy!?"

"He's gone, May," Tony brushed past her, her desperate grasps bringing back the memories of Peter clinging as he had faded to dust. "I watched him go, I-" His voice broke so he couldn't continue, instead taking a seat on the couch and staring at the ground.

Neither of them spoke for a long time as May's  sobs sounded through the now permanently half-empty apartment.

After a while Tony felt her hand on his shoulder, flinching away from it as a wave of guilt flowed through him once more. 

"Was it quick?" Her voice was thick with heartbreak,  catching in her throat, "Did he -" A sob escaped through her lips "Did he suffer?"

He considered lying to her.

"Peter could feel it coming. He didn't want to leave, and he, he said he was sorry. He dissolved into nothing right between my fucking fingers!" The anger pushed the words out with no pause or stutter.

May sat down next to him, still not speaking a word.

"I'm sorry, May" He said quietly.

Tony looked up and around the room, there were ornaments dotted here and there, but they all seemed worthless and trivial now they had no Peter to make smile. Everything was worthless if that fucking boy was gone.

"You tried to save him, didn't you?" She sounded hollow as if the life had been drained out of her

Tony turned to her, confusion passing over his face, "of course. I am still trying, and I won't stop until the day I die."

She stood up quickly and headed out of the room, "Come with me Tony." She said, turning back momentarily before continuing.

He followed her into Peter's bedroom, having to restrain himself from breaking down as he saw the dust settled on his desk and other belongings. Tony picked up a lego figure from the floor,  painful memories  running through him as he remembered the first time he'd met Peter, though not the first time Peter had met him.

He'd been so young, 14 just going on 15, so full of creativity and strength. Genuine goodness. Wanting to take on the world if it meant someone would be proud of him.

When Tony had first called on him,  to go to Germany and fight the good fight against Steve and the others, he never imagined how much he could care. For some kid from Queens who just wanted to be believed in.

And after that, when he'd taken the suit away from him. It had torn Tony in half to do that to him, and see the guilt in his eyes as he gave it up. Maybe if he had just listened to him he wouldn't have gotten hurt the way he did that day.

Maybe if Tony had never given him the suit in the first place he wouldn't be gone now, maybe Thanos would have chosen him to go. He could've stayed at home, building lego kits with Ned and being a friendly neighbourhood spiderman.

Not having to try to save the whole damn universe.

God he was such a good kid. How could someone take him away? Tony was going to find Thanos and make him bring him back, and if he didn't. Oh if he didn't he was gonna wish he'd never had the balls to mess with Tony Stark.

Because Peter Parker was family to him, and one thing that you never got away with, was hurting his family.

How do you write a long chapter help me

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