We Need A Plan

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(Reece's POV)

Once the bell rang, ending my first day back at high school, I rushed to my locker and waited with Ned for Peter. "So, where'd you move from?" Ned asks while we wait, deciding to make conversation.

"Uh..." And I have to come up with a quick lie. "Florida."

"Oh, that's cool." Ned nods along. I bet he would have kept asking me questions about my life if Peter hadn't finally walked over to us. And we all then walked out of school together.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out and do homework?" Ned asks Peter before looking over in my direction. "You too, Reece?"

"Actually, I can't..." Peter responds. "May needs my help with something." He then turns to me, looking for me to come up with my own lie.

"Me either..." I respond, gazing up at Ned. "I have guitar lessons."

"You play the guitar?" Ned and Peter ask at the exact same time.

"Uh..." At least I won't be lying when I answer this question. "Yeah." I laugh at them.

"Okay, well, I see you guys tomorrow!" Ned waves before he walks away in one direction while Peter and I go in the other.

"Ned's cool." I comment to Peter as we walk down the sidewalk.

"Yeah..." He nods in agreement. "So, Cuffman definitely killed Mrs. Garrett, right?"

"One hundred percent." I respond. "But, we don't have any proof yet." I remind him.

Peter sighs, running his hands through his hair. "So, what do we tell Happy? That there's a dude at my school with the sociopath's fake name?"

I shrug and then nod. "Yeah... I guess. I don't believe in coincidences, so that's got to be him."

"Okay." Peter nods, now already feeling more confident because I was confident about Cuffman's fake identity.

"Now, all we have to do is find out who he really is, find out what he wants, and expose him to the entire world." I say, as if that information was all just going to be handed to us.

"Easy." Peter jokes, and I'm glad he's finally loosening up about this.

I laugh at him and we continue to walk, me slightly behind him because I have no idea where I'm going. "This is taking forever. Want to take a shortcut back to my place?"

"Uh, sure." I nod, shrugging.

"Great." Peter responds, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a random alley way.

He lets go of me, beginning to take off his shoes and I'm beyond confused. "Um, what the hell are you doing?"

Peter grins up at me, shoving his shoes into his backpack. "This shortcut requires Spider-Man."

I raise my eyebrows at him and he flings off his shirt like it's nothing and shoves it in his bag. "You're serious." I laugh lightly.

"I am." He nods, grinning. And I couldn't help that my eyes make their way from his face down to his abs. I hadn't really noticed his large muscles until right now. Peter was a skinny kid, but also a strong one.

"Uh, Reece?"

"Yeah?" I snap my head up from his amazing abs to look at his face again, trying not to let my face get red from being caught staring.

"I kinda have to... take off my pants to get my suit on. So, could you... maybe, turn around?" Peter speaks, awkwardly stuttering through his words.

"Oh! Right, sorry..." And I completely turn my back to him. A part of me wishes he didn't tell me to turn around, and the other part of me wants to pretend like I didn't just think that.

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