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(Peter's POV)

Me: Hey
What's up?
Can I call you?

No response...

I tried calling her... once. Twice. Three times.

No response...

Me: Are you okay?

I ended up not going to school that day and May eventually asked why I was so upset. "She's not answering her phone..." I responded with.

"She needs space, Peter." She reminds me just as Mr. Stark did. "Space."

Four hours and two Harry Potter movies later, I tried again.

Me: I just want you to know that I'm here for you.
Text me when you can.
Or call me.
Actually, just call me.

And the day came to a close without a word from Reece. I could already tell that this was going to be a long weekend.

I texted her again Saturday morning and when she didn't respond, I decided to just let her have that space everyone keeps reminding me to give her. But by eight o'clock at night, I was getting a call that made the anxiety go wild in my stomach. A call from Happy Hogan.

There's many things running through my head as to why Happy could possibly be calling me at this hour. Reece hasn't been answering her phone so she could be in trouble, that's always a nightmare of a thought I have. He could be calling about another mission. Or maybe he's calling because I've done something wrong or wasn't supposed to do? But I don't remember doing anything wrong that would trigger his call...

I answer the call, putting my phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Peter? It's Tony." Mr. Stark's voice rings through my little phone speaker. Why he was using Happy's phone was beyond me.

"Oh, uh, h-hi Mr. Stark." I stumble over my words, staring at the wall of my bedroom in front of me.

"Are you with Reece?" He asks and my heart sinks into my stomach immediately.


"Are you lying?"

"What? No!" I argue, looking around my room as if Reece was actually here and would pop out at any second. "I've been trying to get ahold of her all day... She's not with you?"

Mr. Stark hesitates. "You're sure you're not lying?"

"Yes!" I exclaim. "Mr. Stark, you don't know where she is?!"

Mr. Stark sighs and I picture him shaking his head. "She escaped somehow without anyone noticing. She left her phone and watch here so I don't know how long she's been gone." He explains and my whole body just goes numb.

"She's... missing?"

"I have my guys out looking for her as we speak. Can you check her old apartment for me?" He asks and I can hear the worry in his voice, something I've never heard before.

"Y-yeah." I nod, quickly standing from my bed and exiting my room. "Uh- hold on a sec."

I kept Mr. Stark on the phone as I sprinted out of my apartment and down the stairs to where Reece's used to be. The door was locked so I ended up kicking it open with my foot. I walked inside, searching the entire empty apartment. But Reece was nowhere to be found.

And now I was going full panic mode. "Mr. Stark, she's not here." I tell him.

He sighs again, sounding frustrated. "Damn it... Okay, thanks anyways."

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