The Meeting And May

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(Reece's POV)

The Avengers were having a meeting. A meeting I wasn't totally aware that was happening. I had looked all over the building for Tony, but couldn't find him anywhere. But then I came across someone who I knew could help me. "Pepper!" I call to her as she was walking down a long hallway. She stops, turns around and I run up to her. "Hey, have you seen Tony?" I ask, out of breath.

"Yeah." She giggles at how out of shape I am. "He's in the conference room."

"Ah," That was on the floor below the one I was on. "Okay, thanks." And I turn to head for the stairs, jogging.

"Your welcome." She responds before continuing to walk down the hall.

I made my way down the stairs, through the living room and into the conference room. "Tony, I-"

But I cut myself off once I realized the room was full of people. All the Avengers were sitting around the table, mine and Peter's chairs were the only ones empty. Tony was standing in the front as usually and every head had turned to look up at me.

"... Didn't know you were busy." I decide to finish that sentence with.

"Hey, Reece!" Thor's always the first one to get really excited when he sees me.

I grin at Thor, shaking my head at his excitement. "Hi, Thor..." I then look back at Tony. "Uh, sorry to interrupt?"

Tony shakes his head, waving it off. "No, it's fine... um, what's up?"

I shake my head as well. "It can wait..." And I slowly make my way to the empty seat next to Loki. Him and I now have this pretty cool handshake we made up one day when he was looking for Thor and I was looking for Tony. We couldn't find either of them and decided to just give up and do our own thing. Thus, our handshake was born.

So, once I was seated, we both turned to each other to do our hand shake before sitting back and pretending like that didn't just happen and everyone wasn't just watching.

"Great, now she's got a handshake with the God of Mischief." James comments, and I couldn't really tell if he was joking or not.

Loki open his mouth, probably to comment back with something a bit offensive, but Tony beats him to it. "Reece, we're in the middle of a meeting."

"Yes." I nod, staring up at Tony. "I can see that."

Tony sighs, rubbing his head in frustration. "A meeting you're not supposed to be apart of."

"Well," I begin, leaning forwards and resting my elbows on the table. "It was a bit rude that you didn't invite peter and I; We're Avengers. And this looks like an Avengers meeting." I get a few shocked glances that I even said Peters name. But just because I wasn't dating him didn't mean I wasn't his friend or didn't care about him, so I ignored their stares.

"Well," Tony begins, mocking me, but I cut him off.

"Plus, this meeting is probably about me, right? About my mother being a hydra agent?" I point out.

"You and Peter are taking the L on this mission, remember?" Tony reminds me.

"Alright, cool it Tony." Nat shakes her head, stopping any further arguments. "She can sit in on one of your boring meetings."

"Stop always taking her side!" Tony complains, before having a sudden realization of what she just said. "Wait... boring?!"

"She does have a point." Vision adds. "She is an Avenger."

Tony sighed in frustration, shaking his head. "Fine... whatever."

Hey, at least I'm not hiding in my room, Stark.

"Yeah, good parenting, Tony." Bruce comments sarcastically.

"Okay, let's just move on..."


I had my headphones in, staring off into the distance of my window. Every now and again I'll catch myself humming this lualaba my mother used to sing me to sleep with and I stop immediately. I can't believe I still even remember it.

There's a sudden knock on my door that pulls me from my thoughts. "Come in." I call out, taking out my earbuds, only bothering to turn my head to see who it was.

Tony opens the door slowly and pops his head in. "Hey."

"What's up, Tony?" I ask, placing my earbuds and phone next to me on my window seat.

"There's someone here who would like to speak with you." He informs me.

I raise my eyebrows in confusion, slowly standing to my feet. "... Who?"

Tony opens my bedroom door wider and none other than May Parker steps into my room, which I wasn't expecting at all whatsoever. She gives me a small smile and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Hey, May... what, uh, what are you doing here?"

"I'll just leave you guys alone." Tony announces before backing out of the room and softly closing the door behind him.

May's eyes never leave my face. She looks anxious and worried. "I just... I wanted to talk to you."

I raise my eyebrows again. "About Peter?" I guess.

"Yes." May sighs, nodding. "About Peter..."

I wrap my arms around myself, feeling a bit self conscious. "Okay..."

May walks up to me, takes my hand and pulls me over to my window seat where we sit next to each other. "Wow, you've got an astonishing view." She comments, gazing out the window.

I nod in agreement, following her gaze. "I like it."

May looks back at me again, sighing as she focuses again. "Reece, I'm sorry... I kinda feel like this is my fault."

Now I'm really confused. "What? Me breaking up with Peter?"

"Yes." She responds. "When I told you to learn from your mistakes, I didn't mean you had to break up with him. I just meant to be careful."

I nod, squeezing my eyes shut as the memory of the look on Peter's face when I told him I was breaking up with him played in my head again. "I know, I know..." I open my eyes again to look directly into her eyes. "I just don't want to hurt him again, he doesn't deserve that."

"Yeah, and neither do you." May points out. "You're hurting yourself by doing this too, you know."

I shake my head, looking away. "I rather go through years of pain than see him go through even seconds of grief."

May nods in understanding. "I know... but I think you guys need each other right now. You don't have to be dating, but at least stay friends. You've both come so far together."

I nod slowly, agreeing. "I still want to be his friend."

May grins at me. "Oh, he definitely still wants to be friends with you, Reece."

I giggle at her response, shaking my head.

I was still kinda upset with Peter for what he had said about me being my mother. But I didn't want to totally shut him out of my life. Having this conversation was a baby step in getting myself to even try to start to communicate with Peter Parker again.

"Thank you, May." I give her a hug. She's been my mother figure since my grandmother has been gone. No, she can never replaces Grams, but at least she's there for me.

"Aw, you don't have to thank me." She tells me, squeezing me tightly in our hug.

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