To Stick Up For You

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(Peter's POV)

"I don't understand, Ned..." I shake my head, staring at my phone that was still turned off.

"Dude, chill." He tells me. "She's running late today, so what?"

"It's not just that." I explain. "She's been ignoring my calls and texts all of yesterday. The only text she sent me in the past two days was this morning saying to leave for school without her because she was running late."

Ned sighs. "She's been ignoring my texts too..." He shrugs. "Maybe she was busy yesterday?"

"Ned, she was suspended all of yesterday." I state, as if he didn't already know this. Hell, the whole school knows. Logan was suspended yesterday as well.

"Superhero stuff?" He tries guessing again.

"Mr. Stark wouldn't let her do anything like that without me..." I respond, hesitating at my own answer. "Right?"

Ned shrugs, looking at me intensely. "Dude, I don't know."

"Why is she ignoring me?!" I ask to no one in particular, obviously frustrated. "Maybe it was something I said..."

"Maybe it has something to do with Logan. He came over to talk to her the other day and she looked really annoyed with him." Ned explains, shrugging his backpack further up onto his shoulder.

I raise my eyebrows, now very intrigued. "What did he say to her?"

He shrugs for the thousandth time today. "I don't know, I had to get to class."

"Damnit, Ned..." I look down at my phone again, still no text from Reece.

"There she is!" Ned announces. I snap my head up, looking in the direction he was pointing in. Reece emerges from Happy's car, saying something to him before she closes the door behind her.

Reece turns around and catches my eye right away. She puts her backpack on both shoulders instead of just one, slowly making her way towards us. Eventually she's standing in front of us, staring at her feet. "Hey, guys."

"Reece!" Ned exclaims, placing his hands on her shoulders so she'll look up at him, and she does. "What happened?"

She shrugs his hands away, glancing back at me. "I got suspended."

"No, but like what happened?" I ask, as if that were any clarification as to what I wanted to know. "You've been ignoring my texts and calls... Was it something I said? Did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm really sorry..."

Reece shakes her head, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. "No, no, you didn't do anything... I'm sorry."

I squeeze her hand, staring deep into her eyes. "Then what happened?"

Reece takes a deep breath, looking away. "It's a long ass story... I'll fill you in at lunch?"

She raises her eyebrows, looking between Ned and I, but we were both still skeptical. "Pinky it." Ned insists.

She rolls her eyes at this, putting her hand up and sticking out her pinky finger. "Pinky Promise." She says as Ned wraps his pinky around hers, shakes it, and then I do the same to her as well.

This Pinky Promise thing is something Alex formed in our little friend group(consisting of Ned, Alex, Reece and I). It's like a bond between the four of us, and if you break the pinky promise, you're in serious trouble with the group. No one ever really agreed to it... it all just kinda happened.

"Okay... see you guys at lunch."

(Reece's POV)

The anxiety of having to explain my situation to Ned and Peter was eating away at me. I had already told Alex yesterday on the phone everything that had happened, and I asked her not to tell Peter or Ned yet.

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