Rest In Pieces

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I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand before walking down the hall and entering the Avengers living room once again.

Thor is now leaning against the counter and Tony is still standing, while everyone else is sitting down. They turn to look at me as I re-entered the room. "She's finally asleep." I announced. And no one says anything, so I speak up again. "So, uh, why did you want us to come straight here?"

Tony sighs, uncrossing his arms as he turns his whole body to look at me. "Peter..." He begins, struggling to find the right words. My heart drops at his sudden hesitation, making me nervous. "Reece's grandmother has been murdered."

It takes a minute for his words to fully sink into my brain. My heart sinks into my stomach and I have this sudden urge to throw up. "W-what?" My voice is distant and shocked sounding, most likely because I was shocked.

"She was stabbed in the back. We think Hydra had something to do with it." Mr. Stark begins to explain. "May found her, but your aunt thinks she passed away in her sleep. So... that's the same thing we're going to tell Reece: that she died peacefully in her sleep."

I hesitate, shaking my head, now just really confused. "What? Why?"

"Peter, you know Reece more than anyone. She'll only blame herself for her grandmother's death and we can't keep putting all this weight on her shoulders." Mr. Stark tells me and I can't argue with him. He's right. She will blame herself and become even more broken than she already is. She's already dealing with so much right now... more than the average eighteen year old should be going through.

I nod in understandment, biting my lip. I can't believe Ms. Healy is dead. It just doesn't seem... real. I quickly turned my head away as tears filled my eyes so Mr. Stark nor anyone else could see. "May is probably waiting for you..." Mr. Stark begins, talking softly. "Happy can take you home."

I nod slowly again, watching as Happy makes his way across the room and over towards me. "Ready?" He asks with this sympathetic look on his face.

"Yeah." I whisper, turning towards the door and not even bothering to say goodbye to anyone. I can feel everyone's eyes burning into the back of my head as I leave the room, but no one says anything. I get into the back of Happy's car and we drive in silence.

I sit there, staring out the window and clutching the edge of the seat, trying to contain my tears. I was sad that Reece was losing the one person who was like a mother to her. I was sad that May was losing a close friend. I was sad that I was losing a friend and a role model.

Not to mention how upset Reece is going to be when she finds out. There isn't words to describe the torture she'll be in once she finds out.

We finally pull up in front of my apartment building and Happy comes to a stop, but doesn't unlock the doors just yet. "You okay, kid?" He asks, looking at me through his rear view mirror.

I swallow hard, nodding. "Yeah," I whisper, not having the willpower to talk any louder.

"Okay." Happy responds, finally unlocking the doors. "I'm sorry for your loss." And he actually sounds sincere.

I nod, giving him a weak smile. "Thanks, Happy." He nods back firmly and I finally emerge from the vehicle, closing the door behind me.

But he doesn't drive away, and instead rolls down the window. "Don't forget," He begins. "You're still in your Spider Suit."

I looked down at my clothes to realize that I was, in fact, still in my suit. I nod, biting my lip. "Right... thanks."

"No problem, kid." And he rolls up the window and drives away.

I make my way over to the alleyway where I had left my clothes. Luckily, they were still there so I quickly throw them on over my suit before entering my apartment building. I think about stopping at Reece's apartment before remembering that it's empty inside. That no ones there.

I make my way to my apartment and slowly walk in. I close the door behind me, slowly gazing around the room. "Peter?" I hear May's weak voice coming from the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and hover in the doorway. May is sitting at the kitchen table, her phone, laptop, and a box of tissues sitting in front of her. "Hey, May." I respond, my voice quiet. Her blood shot eyes find mine through her glasses. She had obviously been crying and calling other people about it. She opens her mouth to say something, probably to tell me about Ms. Healy, but I beat her to it. "I heard about Ms. Healy."

May raises her eyebrows, sniffling as she stands up. "How?"

"Mr. Stark called us on the way home." And it wasn't a total lie. May thinks Reece is working for Tony Stark, which isn't a total lie either. But when May asked if Reece knew I was Spider-Man, I had to tell her no.

She shakes her head, blinking rapidly. "Where's Reece?"

"At Stark tower." I talk softly. "Mr. Stark said she could stay there for the time being."

May takes a deep breath, her eyes filling with tears again. "Tell her she can stay here anytime she wants or needs, okay?" Her voice cracks and a few tears escape her eyes, falling down her cheeks.

I nod, biting my lip so I don't cry as I walk up to May and wrap my arms around her in a hug. "I'll tell her..." I whisper. "I'm sorry."

May nods her head, pressing her forehead to my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me as well. "I'm sorry, too." We stay like this for a little bit, but soon May breaks away and reaches for a tissue. "She went peacefully in her sleep, and she's in a better place now... That's all I could ask for."

And it was like someone had knocked the wind out of me in that moment. I didn't like knowing something so crucial when nobody else didn't. Because the information that Ms. Healy was murdered could potentially hurt people. But I bite my tongue and agree with May.

"Yeah..." And I couldn't help my voice crack.

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