Too Young To Party Pt. 2

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We arrive at Charlotte Spier's house no more than ten minutes later. There's loud music blasting and a million cars parked in front of her driveway. Her house is a decent size and looks pretty nice and homey. We all emerge from Alex's car in silence, staring up at the scene before us. It was like something out of a movie.

I guess none of us have ever really been to a high school party, besides Alex(Ned and I went to Liz's a few years ago, but only stayed for a few seconds), so we were all pretty hesitant. "Ready?" Alex asks, taking the first few steps.

"Yeah." Ned responds, most confident out of the three of us, stepping up by Alex.

I glance back at Reece who's now just staring off into space. I move to stand next to her and playfully poke her side to get her attention. She jumps slightly, turning to look at me with her eyebrows raised. "You okay?" I ask softly.

She takes a deep breath, giving me a small smile. "Yeah... you?"

I nod, slipping my hand into hers. "I'm good."

Alex and Ned lead the way while Reece and I follow close behind, squeezing each other's hands. Once inside, the intense music takes over and it's hard to hear anything else. There are a bunch of people scattered around, eating, dancing, socializing. As we gaze around the room like obvious outcasts, Charlotte spots us and walks up to us.

"Reece!" She exclaims, giving her a hug that Reece has to awkwardly get through.

"Hey." Reece smiles at her, quickly pulling away.

"I'm so glad you came!" Charlotte grins from ear to ear before looking back at Ned, Alex and I. "You guys too! Thanks for coming... there's drinks, food, help yourselves."

Reece nods. "Thanks."

"No problem." Charlotte nods back before another girl comes over to her and pulls her away. "Have fun!" She tells us before scurrying off in the other direction.

The four of us turn to look at each other, not really sure of what to do now. Reece opens her mouth to maybe advice something, but that's when a different girls steps into our little circle. "Alex, Reece!" She exclaims. "I didn't know you guys were coming!"

I was just going to listen in on their conversation, but then there was a tap on my shoulder, so I was forced to turn around to see who it was. "Hey." Grady, a kid from Ned and I's Earth Science class, says.

"Hi." I respond back, glancing over at Ned who also greets Grady. He was a pretty nice kid, liked to talk to everyone like Charlotte.

"I didn't know you two went to high school parties." He says with a joking tone to his voice, even though we all know he's not.

"The girls dragged us here." Ned explains, that same joking tone in his voice as well.

"Right." Grady grins, nodding. "That makes more sense." I guess everyone knew our little group of friends because he didn't ask who 'the girls' were.

"You know Charlotte?" I wanted to turn this conversation away from us, so I directed it at him.

"Kinda... she's in my calculus class." He explains. Ned and I nod, not really sure how to carry this conversation any further. "Well, I better get going." Grady decides. "I'll see you guys around?"

"Yeah." I nod. "You too." And he walks away.

"Someone actually talked to us." Ned whispers to me in shock, just as Grady is far away enough so that he wouldn't hear us.

"That's a first." I respond, turning back to the girls before realizing they weren't there. They were probably dragged off somewhere else by that girl who intruded our four person circle.

"Where'd they go?" Ned questions aloud.

"I don't know, but I have to find Reece." I state with determination.

"Oh yeah." Ned nods in agreement. "Don't wanna get killed by Iron Man for not doing as he says."

We start to make our way around the house, my eyes scanning for Reece. But it was like she was hiding and people kept coming up to me to distract me. It was probably about an hour later I had finally found her and Alex in a group of people, playing some sort of drinking game.

And Reece had become totally wasted.

(Reece's POV)

"Alex! Reece!" Natasha exclaims. She's in our French class and we usually make good conversation with her. "I didn't know you guys were coming!"

"I didn't know you were either!" Alex responds with the same amount of excitement in her voice.

"Well, come on! A couple of people and I are playing a game and were trying to recruit more people." Natasha exclaims, grabbing mine and Alex's hands, pulling us away.

I turn my head to tell Peter where I was going but his back was turned and he was talking to some other dude. So I just decided that I'd text him in a little bit and let him know where Alex and I had gone.

Natasha leads us to a sunroom in the back of the house. The music was loud and air was sented with alcohol. She brings us to a group of people, standing in a circle, all talking loudly and being obnoxious. "I have two more players!" She announces.

"Great!" Some dude I've never seen before exclaims before handing a red solo cup to both me and Alex, filled of an unknown substance.

I stare down at the drink with my eyebrows furrowed. Alex eyes me as I sniff the drink. "What is this?" I ask Natasha.

She hesitates. "You guys drink, right?"

I know Alex has had alcohol before because she's been to high school parties, and I've had it because I'm from a country where the drinking age is way lower than America's.

"Hell's yeah." I respond. I know this probably wasn't the best thing to do right now, and it was highly irresponsible, but I wanted to loosen up. I haven't had fun in... forever, it felt like. I needed to do something stupid like a normal teenager would. I craved it. 

"I do too." Alex agrees, but then she puts the cup down. "But I'm the designated driver, so not tonight."

And we then we carried on with the drinking game. The game was where each person would go through someone else's phone and every time they saw the word porn, we'd all have to take a drink.

I ended up drinking way more than I should have, damn high school kids.

But, although, I don't really remember anything. My memory at this point is all kinds hazy...

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