Because Of PB & J

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(Peter's POV)

We end up going back to my house because I knew May was working late today. Reece and I sit on my bed, shoulder to shoulder, the laptop on my knee. I open it and the blue screen is still open. And out of nowhere, the screen begins to glitch and the whole computer just shuts down. "No, no, no!" I exclaim, frantically pressing random buttons.

"Damnit!" Reece yells out of frustration. I slam the laptop shut and toss it on the ground. We sit in silence for a moment, both of us too stressed to say anything.

Reece then crosses her arms, sighing. "Stupid smart crazy people."

I glance up at Reece, staring into her eyes. She looks back, and I can't help but laugh. Reece cracks a smile as well, giggling softly. "I think we need a break." I suggest.

"Lunch break?" She asks, obviously hungry.

I chuckle at her, nodding. "Why not? Let's go search the kitchen."

We get up and she follows me to the kitchen. I open the fridge to find nothing edible. I go into some cabinets and pull out some bread and peanut butter. "PB and J?" I ask Reece.

"Sure." She nods moving to stand next to me. I grab the grape jelly and two knives, handing Reece one. "England doesn't have PB and J. They call it the 'american sandwich.'" (Again, I'm not British so i don't actually know so don't get pissy with me, thanks!😂)

Peter laughs, looking over at me as I take four pieces of bread out of the plastic wrap. "Aw, you don't have PB and J?! That's all I ate when I was kid."

She giggles at that, shaking her head. "That doesn't explain at all why you're so god damn skinny."

I chuckle at her, never taking my eyes off her. "Maybe it's because I'm Spider-Man."

"Wait... Your Spider-Man?!" She teases me, sounding all excited and shocked. I burst out laughing, accidentally knocking over the grape jelly. "Oi, be careful, Parker!" She explains, moving to pick up the the container before any more jelly escaped it.

"Oops." I respond with, grabbing a paper towel.

"Yeah, oops." Reece mocks me, a joking smile on her face. I fully turn my head to look at her again. She had peanut butter on her finger and wiped it on my nose, leaving a chunk of it to sit on my face. Now she's the one who bursts out laughing, leaning over and holding her stomach from so much laughter.

"This is so not over, Healy!" I lean over the counter and stick my finger in the jelly. As Reece stands up straight again, I wipe the jelly on her nose, just as she did to me.

She gasps, our eyes locking and our faces extremely close together. We both start laughing, but never moving away from each other. "You got a little something there on your face." Reece informs me, staring at the peanut butter blob on my nose.

"Yeah, so do you." I respond, staring at the jelly on her nose. But then my eyes make their way down her face to her lips and in that moment, all I think about is kissing her.

And it was like time had slowed once again, and we were both slowly leaning in, going for it.

And we almost kissed.

But at the last second when I our noses touched, Reece quickly backed away, stumbling a little. Her sudden reaction makes me freak out a little as well and I stumble back, quickly trying to grab the table to support myself, but I end up slamming my hand down on the knife that was lying on the table.

"Shit!" I curse, quickly removing my hand from the table and holding it in my other.

"Are you okay?!" Reece is at my side in seconds, staring down at my hand.

It hurts like hell but I nod anyways, trying to hide it from her. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Don't lie to me." Reece slowly placed her hand on top of my mine, pulling it towards her and turning it over to see blood running down my palm.

"Ow." I say, looking into her eyes as she looks up at my face. I give her a bright smile and she cracks one as well.

She then looks down at my bloody hand again and places her own hand over my cut. "Close your eyes." She tells me.

"What?" I stare down at her. "Why?"

Reece rolls her eyes. "Oh my god, just don't it!" So I close my eyes. For a second there I forgot she had the power to heal the injured with only the touch of her hand. "Better?" She asks only a moment later.

I slowly open my eyes, gazing down at my hand to see that it was suddenly healed, no blood or scar whatsoever, as if it never happened. "Woah..." I say, breathless. "Much better, thanks."

Reece lets go of my hand and nods. "No problem."

I gaze up at her and she stares into my eyes. "Why did I have to close my eyes?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Because when I heal someone, a ball of light circles around the injury and people tend to freak out." Reece explains.

"I wouldn't have freaked out." I tell her.

She gives me a sly grin. "You say that now." She points out before shrugging. "You never know."

Reece turns away to put the bloody knife in the sink and wash it off, and I watch her closely. I think I'm falling in love with her. Hard.

But why did she pull away so fast? I don't think she likes me the same way I do her.

(Reece's POV)

I regret not kissing Peter Parker in his kitchen before he cut his hand.

Everything was just moving so fast, and I didn't know if he actually wanted to kiss me or if it was just my imagination of him looking at me that way with this love in his eyes... I don't know. But I kinda freaked out at the last second, and so did he.

And now I regret it.

Anyways, we couldn't find anything on that stupid flash drive so we decided to just put it back where we found it—Cuffman's motel room in his pillow case.

But when we got there, Cuffman was already there in his room. He left the blinds open and he was lying in bed, half asleep. "Crap... what do we do?" Peter looks back at me with worry in his eyes.

"He's about to fall asleep... he won't be looking for it then, right? And tomorrow he'll have to go to school. Let's just bring it back tomorrow after he leaves for school?" I suggest, already doubting my own plan.

Peter hesitates but nods, deciding that was our best option. As we were on our way back home, Peter asks a pretty brave question. "Why don't we give the flash drive to Mr. Stark?"

I look up at Peter, my eyebrows probably raised so far up my forehead that they blend into my hairline. "Huh?"

He shrugs, looking away. "Maybe he can hack it?"

I wanted to deny it, but Peter's got a point. Tony could definitely hack this thing and figure out what's on it. I sigh, nodding, obviously not a big fan of the idea but right now, it's all we've got. "Maybe he can..."

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