Too Young To Party Pt. 1

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(Reece's POV)

I was more than happy to ask Tony if I could go to Charlotte's party in front of Natasha. She of all people would understand.

"No." Tony is quick to shut me down.

"Can I please just have this one acception? Peter will be there, and I can give you her address and whatever else you need." I try.

"No." Tony responds more strictly. "It's too dangerous."

"But Peter will be there! And I can check in with you every fifteen minutes. Come on, please Tony." I beg. I wasn't exactly a party girl, but I've just been so bored lately because I can't go anywhere. I needed something to do with other people that was actually something fun. I was desperate.

"Yeah, come on, Tony." Nat agrees with me. "She's a teenager, she needs to go out and do those things."

Tony hesitates, looking back at forth between Natasha and I. "I don't know..."

"Please, Tony! It's not like I'll be alone. And I really need this." I confess. "Like a lot. Please...?"

Tony glances back at Nat who sticks out her bottom lip at him. "Please?" She wants this just as much as I do. And that's why I love her.

"Ah... fine." Tony sighs in frustration, giving in.

"Yes!" Both Nat and I squeal in excitement.

"But!" Tony begins, gaining my full attention once again. "You won't leave Peter's side and you will check in regularly. You will go straight home afterwards, nowhere else. I need this girls name and address ASAP."

"Whatever you need Tony, I got you!" I assured him, now more than excited for this party than I normally would be. "Thank you!" And without thinking, I hugged him. Tony hesitates at first, kind of shocked. But he does hug me back, softly patting my back.

"No problem, kid."


"Be careful, stay away from the alcohol!" Grams nags at me as I'm brushing through my eyelashes with mascara.

"You don't need to worry, Grams." I assure her, putting all my makeup away, shoving it into a drawer. "Peter will be there and so will Ned." I haven't told her about Alex all that much, and now I kinda feel bad about that. Alex was one of my closest friends.

"I know, I know... and if something happens, just call me and May and I will come to the rescue." She assures me, watching me closely.

I nod, laughing softly as I stand up and turn to look at her. "Will do..." I then look down at my watch to see that it's seven o'clock. "I should get going, I'm meeting Peter at his place."

"No drugs neither!" Grams scolds me. "Just... stay safe, okay? I trust you."

I nod, giving her a bright smile. "Thank you." And then I give her a hug with a reassuring squeeze, but not too tight because she's old and fragile. "Love you, see you later."

"Love you too." She responds as I pull away and head for the door. "Have fun!"

"I will!" I close the door behind me and head up to Peter's apartment.

(Peter's POV)

There's a knock at the door and I'm assuming it's Reece. I almost yell come in! but then decided against it, just in case it wasn't her. But when I opened the door and saw the most beautiful creature standing before me, I knew for a fact that it was Reece.

She was wearing blue skinny jeans and a nicer looking red sweater. Her hair was in two braids going down her shoulders and was wearing just a little bit of makeup, as usual. "Hey." She grins at me, literally making my heart stop.

"Hi." I grin back and can't help but to stare at her beautiful features. "Come in. May's at work and Ned should be here any second." I explain, holding the door open wider so she could step inside.

"Okay. Alex texted and said she'd be here in ten minutes." Reece informs me as I close the door behind her. Since Alex is the only one out of the four of us that actually owns her own car, she will be driving us.

I open my mouth to continue a conversation when my phone beeps from inside my pocket, cutting me off. I grab it and look at the screen to see Mr. Stark texting me for the thousandth time this past hour. "Oh my god." I say under my breath, but Reece still heard me.

"Let me guess..." She begins, a small smile still playing at her lips. "Tony?"

I chuckle, nodding. "He's really worried about this."

She rolls her eyes, sighing. "I know... Tell him I said to take a chill pill."

"Haha, okay." So I do text Mr. Stark that, but obviously telling him that Reece said it.

She can get away with teasing him and not feeling guilty or uncomfortable about it, unlike me. But that's just Reece. That's just her easy going, lovable personality.

Soon, Ned walks through the door and now we're just waiting for Alex to arrive. "I'm surprised Tony Stark is letting you go to this party." Ned comments.

She nods in agreement. "Black Widow helped me convince him."

Reece loves saying things like that to Ned because he gets so excited. She liked to make people laugh and smile. That was one of the many things I loved about her.

Reece then received a text that Alex was here, waiting for us in her car. So the three of us made our way down to the first floor, dropping the superhero conversation because Alex can't know any of it.

Reece hops into the front seat, next to Alex, while Ned and I pile into the back. "Are we ready?" She asks, gripping the steering wheel with both hands.

"We are." Reece responds with a firm nod.

"Let's do this." Ned agrees and that's enough for Alex to speed down the road.

"Okay, let's not die before we get there, Alex?" I say, because she was definitely going over the speed limit.

"Yeah, I'm not up for that." Reece agrees with me, staring intensely at Alex.

"Fine, fine." Alex rolls her eyes but does slow down. "We can be safe, sure."

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