A New Day CH2

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Peter pov
Today started like any other day, I woke up to a pain along my left side from where Mrs.walker pushed me in the hall ways when I didn't move fast enough to get out of the way but at least it wasn't Mr.walker he was much more hands-on if I got in his way I would definitely be beaten till I was black and blue. Anyway back to the story I woke up to my alarm going off at 5:00am so I could get all there other kids up and ready for school. I turned the alarm off immediately after waking up knowing of I woke up my 'parents' it would be a straight trip to the basement. My first stop was the bathroom as I opened the door my bare feet touched the cold black and white titles I quickly went to the the shower and turn it on after I quick shower I made it back to mine room and got change in an NASA jumper and black skinny jeans.

The first room I went to was Josh and Ben's room they were the second oldest in the house at age 13. They are twins and would always help me take care of the younger kids and if I was at work then they would try to protect there siblings and keep them out of trouble. I walked into there room,it was small and had blue walls they had a bunk bed in the corner and a desk underneath the window they showed a closet in the corner. I Began to shake Ben who was on the top bunk he groaned and muttered into his pillow turning away from me "come on Ben it's time to wake up " I said softly Ben groaned once more before finally opening his eyes and sitting up in the bed .I began to shake Josh but he would not move "come on Josh get up we have to get the kids up" I huffed out as I shake him once more after till no movement I signed "fine you leave me no choice" after that I ripped the blankets off his bed just shut up with a shocked look on his face as the cold air hit his skin. Josh look up at me " Peter why the hell would you do that "he said with a annoyed look on  his face "sorry dude but you wouldn't go up" I said with a small laugh. I looked back Ben "can you wake the other I have to get make breakfast and lunches for school" " yeah sure" came the reply as I walked out of the room.

I looked at my watch 10 minutes to 6 that's OK we still have time I think to myself as walk to the kitchen I go to the the cupboards and pull out the cereal I place it on the counter and go to the fridge for milk. After getting bowls and spoons I put everything on the table. I then move to get the bread grabbing the peanut butter and jelly I make sandwiches for lunches and put them in their lunch boxes I fill up the water bottles and give them a piece of fruit which remind me that I need to go out and buy more groceries for the house but I can't do that until payday next week so we're just going to have to live with it for now I sigh but then I hear the pitter patter footsteps coming down the stairs and I turn around to see Sally my youngest sibling in the house. I smile at her as she comes closer " good morning" she chipped happily as she walks to the table "good morning Sally" I said "are you all really for school have your homework and all done" she nods as she eats a spoon full of coco pops.I smile and ruffled her hair. Sally is one of the cutest 7 year old I know with her long blonde hair and bright sky blue eyes, I hear more people come into the room and look up to see Grace she is 10 years old and  a big book worm no matter what time or place her will all was have a book with her. Following in after her is the twins and that makes everyone in are house I look down at my watch to see it's 6:30 the school bus wouldn't be here still 7:00 for the early bus there another bus at 7:30 but if we get that the walker could be up before we leave and I really don't want to think about what happened last time that happened


I woke up late not by much but we all ended up missing the first bus. Ot was 7:10 now and I was rushing the kids out the door just as I was about to leave Mr.Walker came down the stairs " What the fuck are you still doing here fag your meant to be gone by now, the only peace I can get is when you and the other little shits are gone to that hellhole" he growls as he pushes me against the wall he punches my stomach a few times before grasping my hair and throwing me out the door I fall hard of the ground knocking the wind out of me " get the fuck out of my sight I wouldn't be as fair the next time" he says before shutting the door in my face . I groan before getting up thank god it was just me left and I now the twins would have got the girls to the bus stop when they heard him come down the stairs I signed before walk down to the bus stop

(End of flashback)

When ever one is done with there breakfast I clean up the bowls and wash them as Ben put away the breakfast stuff. Everyone grabs there lunch before walking outside to the bus stop. The two girls are in elementary school and the twins are in middle school so they get on the same bus but cause I'm in high school I have to get a separate bus from them. When we reached the bus stop there bus was just arriving I waved goodbye bye and waited for my bus to come a minute later the bus arrived and I hopped on. Ok now I just need to survive school

Hey guys so this is chapter 2 I hope you liked it and please tell  me if there are any spelling mistakes I am dyslexic so I'm not great at spelling and grammar and would love to hear your feedback

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