Back To Normal

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After Wednesday things went back to normal. Mr .Walker was back to his normal self as well. Which means I got a nice shouting to after dinner about how useless I am and that he hoped I learnt my "lesson". he seemed different now like when ever he looked at me he got this hunger look in his eye. I don't like it one bit and it make's me terrified to be at the house. Part of me wants to run and take Mr Lee offer but I know I can't abandon my siblings. When he was done shouting at me and given me a slap for good measure he sent me to my room to sleep. His eyes following all the way up to say I didn't sleep easy that night was an understatement.

(xxxTime Skipxx)

The city is buzzing with life even this early on a Friday morning. The noise and smells was hard to get back use to after the bite but I would rather the busy city over quite any day. I just stepped off the bus ready for a day at SI. My body was sore I did move out of Mr Walker way fast enough last night which of course meant he gave me a good few punches to the stomach. So I wasn't in the best of shape but I can power on. I walked in to the tower and showed my badge to the guys at the front desk before walking to the elevator. Everything was peaceful as I rode up to my floor but as soon as the doors opened I was meant with the scowling face of Miss Green. She was an older women and as I had learnt quickly was not a fan off the sunshine project. On my first day she had said that this project was all for good press and that there no way scrum like us would have got an internship otherwise.

"There you are boy you sure tuck your time getting here" she sneer at me.

"Sorry miss I have to get two bus to get here" I said as I stepped out of the elevator. She huffed in announced before quickly turning around and walking off. Not knowing what to do I followed her which seemed like the right choice when she began talking again without looking behind her.

"I need you to get me coffee and then come back to me we real employees have a busy day and I want you to clean up lab 21. There an important visitor coming tomorrow and it needs to be spotless." She made sure to say "real employees" just a bit louder then normal so I did forget my place. I nod my head but seeing as her back was still to me u decided to speak.

"Yes ma'am, how would you like your coffee"

"Two sugars no milk" she said as she reached her desk and finally turning around to face me. Really not wanting to be around the nasty women any longer a gave her an other nod before rushing off to get her coffee. 

I quickly got her coffee and was shown to lab 21. The place was a mess the were pages lining the floor, food wrappers ever where both old and new and the smell was rotten I nearly gagged walking in to the room. I felt like it would be impossible to get this lab clean in time for tomorrow. Judging by Ms Green smirk she thought so to. It was then I realized that it was just a test to see if what I could do and if I messed this up so badly she could get me kicked out of the internship. I won't let that happen with that thought in mind I set to work.

(XxxTime Skipxx)

I was nearly half was though the room when my phone went off it was an alarm I set for when I had to go to Mr Starks lab. I quickly turned it off before walking out of the lab. I told Ms Green that I was taking my lunch break cause there no way she would let me go if I told the truth. She didn't seem happy with it but let me go any way. I quickly made my way to the elevator before asking Friday to send me up to Mr Starks lab. I felt really nervous and my hands were shaking as I travelled up. What if he doesn't remember me and ask why I'm here or what if I do something wrong and he gets anger at me, would he take away me internship. What if he finds out I'm spiderman. All these thoughts were running through my head I barely notice the doors opening or the fact I had stepped out of the elevator. I looked around and spotted Mr Stark at a work bench with this back to me. His lab was the same as last time but now AC/DC was playing loudly around the room. As I approached him I wander how I would get his attention. I doubt he can hear me over the music but luckily I was saved from working out by Friday lowering down the music and speaking.

"Boss Peter Parker is here to see you". Mr Stark tilted his head in what I guess in confusions before looked back and saw me standing there. Feel very awkward if I do say so myself. His eyes seemed to scan me before a look of recognition passed his face and he stood up.

"Peter good to see you remember " he said a smile on his face.

"I won't miss this for the world, thank you so much for letting me into your lab it's a really big honor sir" I said trying to keep my voice from squeal with joy. I can't believe it I'm actually here in Tony Stark lab with the man myself. I don't think I did to well by the chuckle I hear coming for Tony.

"Relax kid, and quit with the sir thing I hate being called sir. Now today I just want to see what you can do so follow me" he said. He walked over to a free work top before grabbing a box under it and pouring it out on to the table. What came out was something's that would look like juck to most but was a treasure trove for me. There scraps of computers and wire's and everything a geek like me could hope for. Josh would be jealous. Hear another chuckle I realized I had been staring at the pile. I light blush came on to me checks as I looked back up to Tony. His smile seemed to had changed I don't know how I noticed but this one seemed to be a bit more real.

"Ok kid this is what I want you to do you have one hour to build me a robot it can do anything and you can use what ever you want in this lab" he said. I nodded eagerly and got any other chuckle out of Tony.

"Right I will be over here if you need be good luck" with that he walked off. I looked back at the stuff on the table a large grin on my face. This is going to be fun.

Hey guys thanks for reading and please comment sorry I didn't update last week I was feeling writers block and sorry this chapter is a bit short. I would like to mention the fact we lost a great write here on wattpad her name was white wolf.she sadly took her life if anyone is feeling down just know that there is help out there. We have a great community here on wattpad so we can be there to support each other anyway I hope she is a better place now. Her stories will be missed.
Bye Abbie

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