One year

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To say it got worse was an understatement. When I woke up to find that monster had carved something in to my chest I got sick. I was trying to figure out how anyone could be so cruel to another person and I just couldn't. I was confused about what the MW stood for. The W was stood for Walker that a was sure about but I couldn't understand the M. I tried not to think about it to much seeing it ever time you look in the mirror can make it hard.

I was still really painful going to school the next day not to mention flash being well you know flash. I was worried about what the twins would do they both seemed off ever since I woke up. I know they are worried about me but I will be fine if Parker luck thought me one thing is that no matter how hard it gets I will make it though. I tried to keep up a happy appearance at work but I think Nova could tell something was up but she knows that I probably won't tell her just like all the times before. Wednesday was the day I was dreading most and it seemed to come all to soon.

I groaned as my alarm went off roll over in my bed I did not want to wake up just yet. I lay there a bit longer but got up and turned off my alarm. Mr.Walker had left me alone the past few days. Sally said she heard Mrs.Walker shouting at him for being to rough with me and that she didn't want to pay to me to go to the hospital. I slowly go to do my normal morning routine be for going to wake the twins. As I walk in they were already up something that seems to become a habit for them lately.

"Morning" I said smiling slightly at them. Ben just gives me a nod not looking up at me and Josh tried to smile back as he muttered out a 'good morning'. I gave a heavy sigh cause Ben to finally look up. I closed the door behind me as I full entered the room.

"Ok we need to talk like right now" I said looking at them. "What's wrong with you guys you have been acting weird"

"Nothing wrong we're good aren't we Ben" Josh said giving me a big smile like that will make me believe there fine. Ben head snaps to Josh I see something flash in his eyes for a second before he nods.

"Hey do you guys smell that it smells like bull with a hint of shit" I said with a chuckle.

"Now do you want to tell me the reason you just lied to my face" I said my face turning serious. Ben gave a sigh before looking up at the ceiling.

"We never could keep anything from you pete, to be honest we are worried what you said to us has stuck with me. I can't bear the thought of losing you we have already lost are real family I don't think I can lose another" his voice was soft so unlike the way it normal is like his bad boy attitude was gone and you could see the scared kid under neat. One thing you should know about the twins is they don't talk about there real parents.

(Flash back one year after Peter was put in foster care)

Peter walked down the stairs of foster home he had to be on his best behavior. Mr.Walker said he was getting two new brothers today and if he didn't make them look good in front of the care worker he will be sent to the basement with no dinner. Peter wasn't stupid he knew that what foster 'father' was doing was wrong but he would be in big trouble if he told anyone. Besides it wasn't so bad he could make it though the dark night's in the basement or a missed dinner or two. Hearing footsteps approaching he looked up to see Mrs.Walker coming his way she was definitely nicer than Mr.Walker but she had a nasty attitude.

"Peter I expect you to be on your best behavior this is a very important meeting and I don't want a runt like you messing this up got it" she said with a frown. I nodded my head if I learnt anything from being here for a year it was don't speak out of turn. Her frown deepened as she looked over me and pushed me to stand by the door. Looking at her watch before she turned to the stairs.

"Honey get down here the new brats will be here any minutes" she called out. I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs and my body tensed but I didn't look up. He came to a stop besides us and kiss his wife cheek before glaring at me.

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