Car Ride To The Wrong Side of Town

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How did this day get so crazy. It seemed this thought keep on going through my head ever time the weirdness slowed down to something else happened to fuck it back up again. I was sitting in a car that probably cost more then then the hell hole I call a home. I had met a very grumpy man that Mr Stark said was happy and I can't tell if that was a joke or not. After we both seat down Mr Stark turned and looked expectantly at me for a few minutes before sighing when I didn't speak.

"Kid you going to tell us were we are going or..."

"Oh... yeah sorry, bluebell elementary" I said blushing a bit. God I am so stupid sometimes. The car started to drive and Mr Stark relax in his seat. Me I was to busy panicking think about were I was going to bring Sally when I picked her up. There's no away I'll bring her home and I feel bad if I bring her to Nova's but I know she'd understand. Besides I can make it up to her by working extra shifts. Well I guess that's as good of a plan as any. I slowly relax in my seat I knew it was going to be a long ride and I kind of wanted to ask Mr Stark something that's been on my mind a while now. I opened and closed my mouth a few times not really sure how to ask him. I knew Mr Stark was eyeing me from the corner of his eye. So I built up my courage and asked.

"Mr Stark not to seem rude or anything but um... I mean... actually never mind it was stupid" well so much for courage.

"What up kid you got be curious now" Mr Stark said with a smirk.

"Well um.. I was just wondering.." I took a deep breath "Why are you doing all this for" Mr Stark frowned.

"I mean you stood up to Mrs Green for me, then you feed me and now you're helping me pick up my sick sister. It's not that I'm ungrateful believe me I don't think I could ever repay you but don't you have more important things than helping out intern"

"To be honest I don't really know but I guess that something is always happening when you are around. Not going to to lie to you kid I have been bored recently and your making things interesting. Since meeting you, you have solved a maths equation that I was stuck on for 5 months and you seem to have a issue with getting in trouble. From what I've seen you are a good kid that ends up in bad situations. I guess I want to stick around to see how this plays out" he answer with a shrug. I looked at him mouth open not exactly the answer I thought he was going to say. I must have looked stupid cause Mr Stark gave a chuckle before looking away.

The ride was mainly quite after that but I noticed that Mr Stark seem to be frowning a lot more as we got closer to the school. I was being to get worried that this face would be stuck in a frown forever and decided to speak up.

"You ok Mr Stark you don't look to happy"

"Umm.. I fine are you though this place is the definition of wrong side of well everything, I think I've seen more drug dealer and hooks in the last 5  minutes then I have in months"  

"It's not that bad Mr Stark and I've grown up around here since I was put in to froster care I know how to stay out of trouble... For the most part" I said blushing. Mr Stark seem to frown more.

"Jeez kid I knew you came form a bad background but not that bad"

".. I'm sorry?"

"No no no, kid you have nothing to be sorry about I just don't know how some one so... So wholesome came from a shit hole like this"

"Thanks?, I guess I have always have to care for my sibling's so I always have to set a good example you know be the best I can be. I mean it's hard work sometimes but I wouldn't be able to live with out them. I'm sorry I'm rambling" I said looking down  when I noticed Mr Stark staring at me. He shook his head and let out a small chuckle.

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