When things go wrong

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Hearing the loud yell I instantly jumped and looked behind me the whiteboard marker still in my hand. My eyes widened as I saw the Tony Stark standing right at the entrance of the elevator and oh boy did he look mad. My mouth opened and closed like a fish but I seemed unable to find my voice.

"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in my lab" he asked as he stormed over to me.

"I..um... I'm.. Peter.. Peter Parker I'm a n-new intern I'm so sorry for messing around but I was told to bring up more coffee and I honestly didn't know this was your lab if I did I swear I wouldn't have touched anything if I new it just that as I was walking over I noticed that the equation was wrong so I though that a nobody would know if I fixed it but of course you know your the great tony Stark you know everything I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean any harm please don't take away my internship" at this point I know I was rambling on and my breathing was get tighter and I'm Pretty much sure I'm crying. Tony must of notice I was getting worked up because his face softened just a little and he was now walking the rest of the way to me with his hands up slightly in surrender.

"OK kid I need you to calm down this seems like a bit of a misunderstanding. We can talk this out but I need you to breathe can you do that kid" I gave I quick nod before taking a shaky breath. By now Tony was standing beside me I tensed I don't know if he like Mr.Walker he could be trying to get me to trust him so he can get a good hit in. He must of notice the tension because he stepped back a bit before nodding his head.

"Good, now kid I you to tell me what happened again but slower so I can understand OK can you do that" he asks his voice sounding calm. I nod before taking a deep breath and starting again.

"I was sent up with a box of coffee and when I was walking over to but it down I noticed the equation was wrong. Nothing much just one of the numbers was wrong so I thought I could fix it before anyone came back I really didn't mean to cause trouble I swear I'm really sorry Mr.Stark" I said slower this time putting my head down in shame. This was so it I would totally lose the internship how could I be so stupid I didn't even last one day. I heard a heavy groan from Tony he so thinks I have messed up his equation. Although he is trying to stay calm I can feel the annoyances vibes of him from here.

"OK kid show me which equation you did and we will go from there" he said. I noticed once more before pointing to the one I was almost finished he walked pasted me and up to the board. He looked at the equation as he nodded along with what I wrote he seemed to grow more and more shocked as he read it. After what felt like forever but was probably only 5 minutes he turned back to me and asked I question I never thought he would ask me.

"How would you finish it kid" to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I shook my head out of it be for replying.

"-9.23553xy sir" he nodded his head given a small smile like he already knew the answer but just wanted to check.

"You know kid I have been working on that problem for almost 6 months now and I just couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. So for you to just stop it when you where delivering coffee is kinda hard to believe. What did you say your name was" he asked.

"Peter sir, Peter Parker" trying very hard not to mess up in front of my childhood idol. He nods again before running a hand though his hair and giving another sigh.

"So pete you said you are an intern what do you do here at IS" he asks as he walked over to one of the work tables and leaned against it. I turned slightly so I would be facing him.

"Well I get people coffee and help carry paper work and stuff like that" he frowned when heard my answer oh no did I do something wrong again.

"You seem far to smart to do be doing the stuff what school do you go to"

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