The Test CH5

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Peter pov

The next morning true to the boys words they sorted everything for the girls before coming to wake me up. I wasn't in that much pain but an over all soreness in my back so I quickly ate breakfast before going out the door with the rest. All the way to the bus stop they were asking questions to help me study for the test. We made a rule that after a hard night of some one getting in trouble (me) we would try to move on from it quickly and talk about other things. That why they were all talking about the test. Pretty soon I was back on the bus to school looking at notes in my copy chem class was just before lunch so if I was sneaky enough I could study in other class.

I was beginning to get really nervous we only had 5 minutes left of history before chem  class and I barely got to study. I must of zoned out because the bell was ringing and everyone was packing up for the next class. Seeing as I was the last one left I  packed up and ran out of the classroom. Making my was to chem class I shallow nervously and enter the room two minutes later the teacher walks in.

" class it good to see everyone in I hope you study for the test, first things first I will gather up your application forms and then explain the few basic rules for the test " she says with an up beat voice. She walks for and begins taking the forms for people my hand shake a bit when I give her mine. Seeing this she gives me a gentle smile before going to the top of the class.

" Right now class I will be handing out the test do not look at the person beside you test or it will be dismissed completely and I wish you the best of luck" she said before handing out the test. When she done she goes back to her desk and sits down. I look down and skim off the questions it looks like it's a mixture of things we learn in school and some questions that are a bit more advanced heck I think they might be college level. Taking one more deep breath I begin to write.

After chem class the day seems to go in a blur and before I knew it I was back at work. Before I could even get in the door Nova was asking me questions

"Peter are you OK? You didn't get in trouble for been late did you? How was the test? Do you think it went well? " She asked in one breathe. I chuckled slightly

" yes Nova I'm OK and the test went OK I don't want to get my hopes up" I said smiling at her

" Don't you worry pete your one of the brightest boy I know there be mad not to accept you " she said with such confidence in her voice I almost believed it myself nodding my head I quickly get to work. In no time the rest of my siblings arrive and asked me how the test went before heading up to Novas house. All to soon are we back "home" were we eat dinner in silence as Mr.Walker talks to us about how kind he is and generous he is to open his house to maggots like us. We would nod ever now again I really wish he wouldn't talk like that in front of the girls but there nothing I can do after dinner we were sent to clean the kitchen and put everything away. We were all heading to bed now so I walked on to the girls room to wish them goodnight.

I walked into there room it was painted pink and had to single beds at each wall they shared a wardrobe. They had a small bookshelf that I found on the side of the road when walking home one night which Grace loves and keeps all her books on most of the book were second hand but she loved them anyway. Sally also had a toy box at the end of her bed were she keep all her toys but her teddies they got to sleep with her to help fight off all the nightmares and stops the monster under her bed getting to her. They were both in PJ's when I walked in and was about to hope in to bed

" hey Peter" Graces soft voice called out when she saw me enter the room

"Hey just came to say Goodnight girls and don't listen to what that mean man says OK you girls are beautiful and smart and amazing in ever single way no matter what don't forget that" I spoke softly to them as I tucked both of them into bed and kissed there foreheads. I was about to walk out when Sally called out to me.

" Peter I'm scared the bad man keeps hurting you and I don't like it what if he takes you away I don't want you to leave" her voice sounded scared and I quickly shushed her

"It's OK, it's OK I'm not going anywhere, I'm your big brother I will always be there to look after you even when I'm a thousand years old OK don't worry I'm not going anywhere with out you any of you, you guys are my family and we will stick together no matter what" I said lovingly as I run my fingers through her hair.

"How about this I will get the twins and we can read a bedtime story OK" I move to get up when she nods her head and go into the boys room after one or two minutes we go back into the room. When we arrived Grace had moved into Sallys bed and they were hugging tightly. After picking Percy Jackson and the lightning thief one of Graces favorite book I began to read by the time we reached the third chapter they were both asleep. Josh pulled the blanket up to cover them saying a quiet goodnight before coming out the room with us. We traveled to there room quietly before saying goodnight and parting ways.

When I enter my room I had to many thought in my mind so I did the only thing that helps slipping on my home made suit I quickly jump out the window that began swinging around Queens.

Tony pov

It was a normal morning for my when my hot assistant walked into my lab sadly she had a boyfriend but that's not the point. Her walked in with her tablet in hand heels clicking on the floor.

" Tony did you get the files I sent you about the people who could get the internship with sunshine program" she asked hardly looking up from her tablet typing away probably organizing a meeting that I will skip.

" well hello to you to Pepper and what's this sunshine thing again and why do I have to sign off on it" I grumbled as I look at the new Stark phone I'm working on

" Tony this is important the sunshine program will help people in poorer communities get a chance at a better life and you have to sign off on it because I said so" Pepper said looking like she doesn't want to deal with her childish boss right now.

" OK, OK I do it no need to get up set pep" I said my hands up in surrender. She rolled her eyes

" good and you have a meet at 3:00, before you say it you have to go " she sighs before turning on her heels and walking out. I grumbled under my breath about  life been unfair before opening up the sunshine file and looking though it. After a while I come across a name Peter Parker he did very well in the test, he got  the highest score which I didn't even think a high schooler could do since it was basically an MIT exam. Seeing this I was impressed so I looked at the application form. I swear I did a double take when I came to the last page how did he work that equation was beyond me it wasn't perfect that's for sure but with a bit of help it could work. I didn't know much but this boy Peter he definitely is caught my eye.

Hey guys, so I bit of a nicer chapter after that heavy one last time. Please do leave feedback and thanks for reading

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