The Results

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The Results

Peter pov

Over the next week everything was normal. I went to school, did work, helped the girls with homework with Josh help of course and I even managed to avoid larger punishment so only smaller beatings in hall way. Ever thing was fine but when I woke up this morning I was terrified. Today was the day that the SI internship was going to be released. I know I have a slim chance of winning but the thought that I might work at Stark industry just got me excited and nervous. I was I bit shocked when I walked into Ben and Josh room to find them already up. When I walked in Josh look up at me and grinned

" morning pete you excited today's the day isn't it. I can't wait imagine you working at IS it would be amazing if you do end up working there up have to ask if I can visit you" he said his grin never leaving his face. Chuckling I replied

" calm down Josh I don't even know if I will get it and I would be a intern I doubt they'll get me bring in my family even if I did want to" I said and couldn't help but smile too.

" Don't worry you will get in I'm sure about that, why don't you wake the the girls and will make breakfast " Ben said his voice still a bit gruff from waking up. I nodded before leaving the room and walking down the hall way to the girls room.

"Good morning" I chipper loudly as I entered there room. Grace muttered a bit and rolled over and Sallys eyes blinked open and slowly looked up at me as soon as her face settled on mine it broke out into a big grin.

"Peter morning" she said as she jumped out of bed to give me a hug. "Why did you wake us instead of the twins". I chuckled lightly.

" there making breakfast" she jumped up and down with joy.

" does that mean Ben's making pancakes " she asked wide eyes

" If you help me wake Grace we can go down and check" she nodded excitedly, before her small face turned serious. She put her finger to her lips to me before tip toeing over to Graces bed. I smiled at the site as I watched Sally jump on the bed shaking Grace and saying loudly "wake up, wake up Ben's making pancakes". I was a bit worried when I heard grunting coming from the room down the hall but calmed down when I didn't hear movement. Grace woke with a start and stare at Sally before sighing.

" I'm up, I'm up you can stop yelling" she huffed out. She looked at me and smiled "good morning pete isn't today when you find out the results for that science thing" she asked I nodded.

" Well good luck I'm sure you will do great, know you need to leave we have to change we'll meet you down stairs" she said her voice sounds old then she was, Ben thinks that Grace is actually a 60 year old suck in a kids body. I just think she has an old soul not that that's a bad thing if she wants to read books instead of TV then who am I to stop her. I nod one more time leaving the room laughing at Sallys protests at wanting pancakes now. I walked into the the kitchen and see Ben is making pancakes and Josh is making lunches for everyone they look up as I entered the room.

"Hey pete so here's the plan after school we are going to go straight to the cafe to the cafe so you can tells us that you got the internship and when you do because I know you love me and are the best brother ever you can take me to the tower, oh this is going to be great" Josh said his voice getting a bit higher and his eyes glazed over thinking of the internship. Ben burst out laughing flipping the last pancakes on to a plate

"Calm down josh your such a nerd we don't even know if he got it yet and I thought I was your favorite brother"

"I have to agree with Ben plus if I did get the internship I don't think I will be allowed to bring you with me as much as I would love to" I chuckled. Josh frowned as him cheeks turned pink at being caught daydreaming.

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