A seemingly normal day

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(Alarm playing Prom Night by Jeffree Star)
Ugh, great another day of hell here as I get up at 6:30 to get ready for school. My name is Annalee, I am 16 years old, I have bright pink hair and a huge obsession with Alternative/Punk culture. " Hurry up we have 30 minutes!" my best friend Erica yells at me, "well you know perfectly well I need every bit of it to get ready!" I shout back. After I'm all done and "gothed out" as the plastics call my sense of style we head out the door to catch the school bus with all the other kids in the home.
Erica takes her usual seat in the middle with all the popular kids and I sit in the far back with all the leather covered and silver studded stoner kids. Erica and I are very unusual friends but ever since I went to the home she's been the closest thing to a sister I've had since the incident.
After a boring school day, I finally get to go to the home and drown myself in music and YouTube videos. My all-time favorites are Shane Dawson, Dan and Phil, Markiplier, The Try Guys and last but certainly not least Jeffree Star. Their videos help me get through everyday life and give me some hope that shit will eventually get better.
I heard there's someone coming in to do interviews with kids, I usually stay inside my room for these cause no one really pays attention to us older ones, so a lot of us have just given up hope.
As I'm watching PINOF 9 for the umpteenth time Erica taps me on the shoulder "Annalee you're being summoned to Mrs.Davies office" she says " Why?" I ask, usually, she leaves me alone if I stay outta trouble and keep my grades up. "There's someone here to have a meeting with you". And just like that my life changed forever.

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