The Split

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The thing I thought that was never gonna happen, happened... Nathan and Jeffree are no longer together. This was a hard conversation for them to have with me because they didn't want it to make it seem like Nathan was abandoning me, he promised he will always be my father and I would be welcome to visit anytime I was free and able to. Of course, I was upset but I didn't let them see that, I refused to be the thing keeping the two together if they were unhappy. I did hideaway at The Twins house for a bit though because being in that huge house alone while Jeffree was away was a bit depressing. I threw myself into my work to keep me distracted, I was either modeling, creating new clothes, making videos, or working on new makeup for launches with Jeffree. Grayson was a huge help during the entire time, there were days I wouldn't want to get out of bed and he would bring me snacks and just cuddle with me, something he doesn't know I know though is that i would hear him on the phone updating Jeffree or Nathan how I was because they were worried and sometimes I didn't want to talk.

As a distraction from everything and a break from work that everyone begged me to take, Jeffree gave me free rein of the private jet and suggested that Grayson and I take a bit of a vacation. So with that Grayson, Devil, and I went off to Bora Bora for two weeks, those two weeks alone were definitely needed.

(first night there)

I plop down on the bed exhausted from the day of adventures we just had and as I'm phasing off to sleep I feel Grayson getting on the bed, I feel his hand go up and down my back and I lift my head from the pillow to see him right next to me. He places his hand underneath my chin to angle my lips to meet his, the kisses start out sweet and innocent but quickly turn into something much much more. Hands start to wander places never explored, clothes go from on our bodies to being thrown on the floor, he's gentle and sweet because he knows this is my first time with a guy.

Grayson: Are you sure you want to do this?

Anna: I'll do anything as long as it's with you.

No more words are exchanged between us as we delve into a night of passion and bliss.

I wake up the next day to the morning light shining down upon us and I can only think of how lucky I am to be where I am right now. On vacation at a beautiful place surrounded by water, in the arms of the man I love. As I get up to have a shower I wince at how sore I am from the previous night and realize that I still have thirteen days left and with that, I know that this is a type of soreness I could get used to.

After my shower, I see that Grayson is no longer in bed but I smell two things that are a clear tell to where he is that being toast and coffee... and I make my way to the kitchen to see him shirtless making breakfast with a steaming cup of coffee and a plate of avocado toast prepared for me. As I sit down, my stomach growls alerting Grayson that I'm there.

Anna: Thank you for breakfast Babe

Grayson: Anything for you princess

He kisses the top of my head before he sits down to eat with me, I don't know how this man does it but he makes some amazing avocado toast. As we eat we talk about what we're going to do that day, what he doesn't know is that what I'm looking most forward to is what happens after we get back here every day.

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