A New Beginning (1 month later)

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"So any news on your adoption yet???" Erica asks me, " I've heard a little from Mrs.Davis but not very much." Just as I say that three knocks are heard at the door " We're decent and awake" I yell, it's stupid but it's the homes policy. Mrs.Davis walks into our room " Ms.Annalee you have visitors" she says brightly almost smiling her face off. " Is it who I think it is?" I ask excitedly, as soon as the words leave my mouth Jeffree and Nate walk into my room and greet me with big hugs and even bigger smiles. "So what's going on? Why are y'all here?" I ask " Well after much consideration Nate and I would like to ask you something" Jeffree says " Would you like to become a part of the Star family?" Nate finishes. I can't believe it, I pinch myself again " ouch, nope this isn't a dream either. Are you kidding me, I would be honored to become a part of your family!" I yell while jumping around in excitement, "this is the happiest I've been in 7 years! What made y'all choose me?"
" Well we were looking for a younger child, but then Mrs.Davis over here" gesturing towards her " recognized my name because of a certain little pink haired teen, and of course after I heard the fact you were a fan of mine and that you had pink hair I absolutely had to meet you honey!"  I look over to Mrs.Davis with tears in my eyes, and go over to hug her because after all she had been like a mother figure to me since I first cane here and now she's helped me find the home of my dreams! After we hug Jeffree tells me him and Nate will be helping me pack everything up and getting it to the "Dreamhouse". As I'm standing there I realize that Erica is still standing by her bunk, and I go over to her "Jeffree,Nate this is Erica we make look like we belong to completely  different areas of society, we've been best friends since I came here seven years ago, do you think she could stay with us every once in a while?" Jeffree and Nate look at each other and smile " of course she can, in fact if it's okay with Mrs.Davis she can spend the next couple days with us until you get settled." Jeffree says assuringly, we both squeal with excitement and start dancing around. Mrs. Davis clears her throat and smiles " of course it's okay dears now I better go now to go get the rest of the paperwork done and you two better get packing." I'm confused for a moment " wait, what do you mean, rest of the paperwork?"  " Well, Jeffree and I wanted to keep this a surprise for you, we've already done almost all the paperwork required and we have an interior designer waiting for us to get back to start decorating your room." As Nate's explains everything I'm just sitting there in shock until I finally snap out of it and squeal " OH MY GLAM!!!" Everyone laughs at my statement and we start doing everything we need to do.
It's currently three hours later and we're packing up the last of my stuff into one of Jeffree's many cars, as I put the last box in I turn around to see the entire home has come to bid me goodbye even though I've promised to come visit. I look at my home for the last seven years and start tearing up, I lean back my head to try and not ruin my already smudged makeup but I ultimately fail and the tears make it down my face I wave to everyone and promise I'll see them all soon. As Nate opens the door I say one last goodbye to the life I'm leaving behind and a happy hello to the new one I'm about to start. Because this is a new beginning long overdue.

Adopted by Jeffree Star Where stories live. Discover now