#1 Olivia's Shock

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2nd of June 1907.

Olivia Flaversham is now an 18 year old, beautiful, bright, young mouse, studying Journalism and Creative Writing in her first year at Silvergreen University. She is a hard-working student, with straight A's in all classes. She will not let anything get in the way of her studies.
Olivia's appearance has not changed a lot from 10 years; she was still wearing a lot of blue, with a tartan skirt, and a red bow in her hair. The only thing that was completely different, was her long blonde her hair, and her personality- Olivia used to be bubbly, mischief, adventurous, loud; now, she keeps herself to herself. She doesn't even speak to her Hiram, her father much anymore. They've grown apart over the years, even though they still live together. As the years have past, Olivia seems like she has locked everything out. Hiram noticed that she had changed after Olivia and him left London. Maybe Olivia wasn't finished with London? What they both didn't know was London wasn't finished with either of them.

During a lecture, the auditorium was filled with mouse students, all around. The lecturer was hard to see, but easy to hear. He was speaking away, into his microphone and pointed to specific words on a board, boring students out of their minds. Some around Olivia were yawning; some were not paying attention, and writing on their worksheets. Not Olivia- she was 100% giving her full attention, and focusing on the lecturer. Whilst taking a glance, she noticed something suspicious about the lecturer: his voice, his movement, his attitude, complexity. It all seemed too familiar, but she couldn't put her paw on it.
Her attention was high-jacked from a piece of paper, rolled into a ball, that was thrown at her head. It turned out it was a letter. She unfold it to read:

"Meet me at my locker in 5 minutes!

- F"

Olivia took out her pocket watch, and to her astonishment, there were 5 minutes left of the lecture. She looked in the direction the paper was thrown from- it was her friend, Fievel Mousekewitz.
"What?" She mouthed to him.
He pointed to his pocket watch, signalling "I'll explain then."
Olivia sighed and turned back to face the lecturer. As she did, whilst he was talking, she realized that the lecture was giving her a suspicious look. Just as he was glancing at her, he said, "When you're out there, looking for stories to share to our town, you need to be quick. Because it just might just slip through your paws, before you get the chance to even think of what was going on." He sniggered.
Olivia didn't have a clue what he was talking about, but she couldn't wait for the lecture to be over. It was at the point where she thought she was in danger.
Once the lecture was over, Olivia ran out into the hall. She was scattered between all the mice. She kept looking each way to make sure nobody was following her. Finally, she reached her locker safely. She turned the lock to open it and placed her books, neatly. Her entire locker was well organized. Pens and pencils were in their own jars at the bottom, books in the middle, and her scarf and hat hanging at the top. On the inner side of her locker door was an old picture of Basil. Her hero. He saved her life, as well as her fathers. She smiled, brightly, and then it faded when she got a flashback to when they last hugged and the last conversation they had:
"I'll never forget you." Olivia sniffed.
"Nor I you." Basil replied, smiling.
Flashback over. She sighed and slightly closed her locker door to find Fievel was standing next to her.
She jumped. "Fievel!" She exclaimed, "you scared me!"
"Sorry, Livy," he apologized, "I didn't mean to scare you. I was just wondering..." he hesitated.
"Yeah?" Asked Olivia, patiently.
"Would you like to go for dinner sometime with-"
"Fievel, I told you, I can't!" She interrupted, "I have to study." She opened her locker again.
"Livy, come on!" He replied, irritated by the word no, "There is more to life than studying!"
"You don't understand." Olivia replied, lowering the volume of her voice. "I have to pass my finals." She turned away and faced her locker. Then her head dropped.
Fievel studied her. He could tell there was more to the story. He moved closer to her, and put his arm around her.
"Livy?" He said, calmly, trying to get her attention. "I've been best friends with you for a long time now. I know you."
There was a long silence. She gazed upon Fievel, with a glum face. She opened her locker so that he could see the picture of Basil.
Fievel looked closely at the picture. After realizing whom he was, Fievel removed his arm from her and took a tiny step back, giving a sympathetic look towards Olivia, who has her head facing the floor.
"Is he the one that saved your life?"
She nodded.
He turned her to face him, and then gave her a big hug.
"You do know I'm always here for you, don't you?" He asked hugging her, tight.
"Of course." She pulled away. "Thank you for being such a good friend, Fievel."
"Friend.." Fievel stressed on the word, and slipped his eye contact away from her. Finally he had the strength from the raging burn to face her again. "I think you should go visit him."
Olivia looked at him, confused. "What?"
"Go visit him."
"Fievel, I can't just waltz over there." She hesitated. "It's been 10 years."
"You miss him, Livy." He said, friendly. "You should tell him."
"I bet he has forgotten about me." Olivia replied, hopelessly.
"If he can't rememeber you, how could he remember anything at all?" He laughed.
Finally, he made her smile and eventually she laughed along.
"Listen, Livy," Fievel demanded, "he is completely clueless, and not worth it, if he doesn't want to associate with you in any way." He said, trying to cheer her up. "If he is who you really think he is, he will remember you." Fievel was starting to feel a piece of him die inside. He couldn't bare to watch the girl of his dreams, since nursery to walk away, and want to be with someone else. Against the famous Basil of Baker Street, he knew he didn't have the chance.
She took one more look at the picture of Basil, before locking her locker. She looked at Fievel, completely strong, and hiding her negativity.
"Let me take you home." Smiled Fievel.
That night, walking home seemed very peaceful. It was getting dark, and there was an excellent view of the seaside on the way back to the Flaversham's flat. Fievel and Olivia walked side by side. The journey back seemed as if it was filled with Fievel's accomplishments. They sat on a bench, by the sea side, throwing stones into the sea and watching the dark clouds go by. Fievel shared his chips with her, and she scoffed a hand full of them into his mouth, laughing at him. She walked on top of a high wall, with Fievel by her side to make sure she didn't fall.
Finally, they reached the flat. They stopped directly, outside the door.
"Thank you for walking me home, Fievel."
"You're welcome, Livy." He smiled, stroking the left side of her face.
She smiled back at him.
"Have a good weekend." She said to get the conversation back and going.
"You too." He smiled as he walked away from her doorstep.
She turned away, and unlocked the front door and stepped inside. All the lights were on, but there was no sign of her father.
"Daddy!" She called out to him.
No answer.
She locked the front door on the inside.
"Daddy, I'm home!" She tried again.
She checked in the kitchen, nobody was there. Just an empty plate, with a half eaten cheese pie.
Olivia investigated the entire flat, to not find anything. The living room was bare. So was the upstairs. The last part she checked was his study. She slowly approached the room, where the door was half open. She pushed it, and whilst it was opening, it creaked. and pulled the light switch on.
"Daddy?" Her voice softened.
There was nobody there. Just half finished toys. An alarm clock, a marionette with only two strings, and ballerina doll.
She turned around, looking confused. "That's strange." She looked to the clock on the wall, "He should be home by now." She reassured herself.
She went downstairs, and as she was halfway down the stairs, the lights began to fuse. She gasped, and ran under the kitchen sink to find the flat torch. She reached her paws out, aiming all different directions, knocking things over along the way. Until at last, she found it. She turned it on. The wind got more wild outside, which made Livy even more worried. She grabbed a blanket, and hide under it on the living room couch.
"What's going on?" She said, shaking, "Whose there?"
Just at that moment, the telephone began to ring. Olivia jumped at the sound of it ringing, and dropped the torch. She tiptoed towards the phone, hesitatingly reaching her paw out to pick it up.
"Hello?" She asked anxiously.
"Hello there, Olivia Flaversham."
Olivia was stunned to silence. She could tell straight away whom it was by the voice.
"Remember me?" They teased, "My my. It's been so long. Ten years now isn't it?"
Olivia began to pant in fear. Her eyes started to tear up.
They cackled over the phone. "I do believe we have business to finish together, Olivia. Only this time... I will recieve my victory."
"I thought you were dead! It's impossible!!" Olivia exclaimed, starting to cry.
They cackled once more. "That doesn't matter now, Olivia. What you need to worry about more are your loved ones."
"If you don't hurry, they will slip right through your paws."
She got a flashback to earlier that day, during the lecture. It was the same person.
They left her with an evil laugh on the phone and hung up. Just as they hung up, the lights came back on. Olivia screamed and ran into the corner hiding. There was no one around to protect her.
She then noticed a printed picture, facing the wrong way on the floor. To her horror it was a picture of Professor Ratigan, and his thugs, kidnapping her father. He was tied up, blindfolded and gagged. She gasped in horror, burst into tears and sunk to the floor.
"He's back." She said to herself, miserably, as she bruied her face in her paws and cried some more.
Outside, Fievel was only a few blocks away from Olivia's flat, and he could tell someone was following him. Only thus, it wasn't Olivia.
He heard the sound of a twig snap and re-flexed by turned around, turning his back on what was going on in front of him. To where he was facing, there was nothing there. At the corner of his eye, he glimpsed a strange figure, running along side of him. He faced that way, and he missed it.
He then heard the sound of ropes. He slowly turned around to see...
"Hello there, friend of Olivia." Smirked Fidget.
Five thugs from all different angles attacked Fievel. Fidget watched, cackling. Behind Fidget, were the shadows of the thugs, jumping on Fievel and tying him up. You could just hear them bickering between each other, and Fievel resisting to escape. They all came clear once he was tied up, securely.
Fievel looked at Fidget, furiously.
"It's official." Fidget cheered. "Professor Ratigan has returned."

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