chapter 1

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The night was cold and breezy and on the roof of the xia cooperation, two figures could be spotted.

Two women were standing facing each other and if we were to look clearly, we could see a slim figure with a face that could be compared to a fairy. She look kind and pure until she opened her mouth

"My dear Weiwei, i will recommend you to jump down from here... Maybe people would try pitying you after you died. After all, you are no longer the goddess you once was. Hahaha... I really admire your naivety.. your boyfriend has been snatched away by me, your whole family killed in an airplane crash i planned and that face and reputation of your all ruined by me... now I want you to die...."

Weiwei glared at the woman facing her and said"Even as a ghost i will never ever forgive you... I treated you so well, i always considered you as my best friend"

"You see Weiwei, this is how life is, to climb up the ladder from the very bottom, only to be below you is truly annoying and only by making you miserable that i will feel my best"

"Menglei! I don't believe karma will not hit you one day!" Weiwei shouted before Menglei pushed her down the 20 storey high building....

"I will never ever forgive what you did to me... never" was Weiwei last words...

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