chapter 4

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Being brought back to reality, Weiwei pushed FengTingmo back and still as calm as ever, she asked to have a bath as she had not wash herself fir over a year...

FengTingmo felt that his wife became even more cute that before. Even if she was now rejecting him, she was like a bunny running away from the big bad wolf.

He feels really sad for not being able to share his pain and he didn't know how to convey to his beloved that he had never ever loved anyone else but her and that he truly cared for her wellbeing.

He also felt that after a year of being in a comatose state, his wife was no longer the same... it felt like, even if their demenor was identical, it felt like he loved her even more and his heart was beating even faster than before.

More than a year ago, he was forced to keep himself away from her for her protection, and now that that force was gone, he could now overly dote his wife and make sure she is addicted to the sweetness and will never ever thought of leaving him.... but he has never expected that this wife that he love was no longer the same... the only thing she wish for was revenge..

This story has been on my mind for quite a while now and keeps on pestering me... i decided to write a part of it first and see your (dear readers) reaction before continuing it...

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