chapter 6

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Sitting inside a private booth, weiwei was busily eating her food. She, in the past, would often come to this restaurant and eat with xiao chu. However, even as the future of a quite good family, they were both unable to reserve this private booth and only ate like others.

Of course, the difference was as huge as the sky and the sea. Even if the food came from the same restaurant, they tasted completely different. The taste was so mouth wateringly delicious that weiwei could not help but eat more.

However, due to her thin body, she was not used to eat more thay just a little bit of food.

That was such a waste she thought to herself. So much good food needed to be wasted and some did not even get the chance to eat them...

What a pity she sighs before staring at her husband.

FengTingmo was quite a gorgeous man as we speak. He could be compared to those charming, weak young man that could be found in ancient china's brothels, however, even with that kind of appearance that could make people turn gay, he never swing to that side.. or maybe not from Diweiwei's memory.

Weiwei's imagination run wilder and wilder before FengTingmo suddenly asked"What are you thinking about my wife? You seem really mischievous right now.. should i punish you when we go back?"

He's last question made weiwei shivered. Punishment? Was he perhaps in those kind of things? Weiwei thought.

Like he was reading her mind, FengTingmo said:"you'll see when we arrive home my dear..."

Hope you enjoy... from now, i think I'll make a schedule of once a week and everytime it reaches a certain number of votes, additional chapter will be published..😁

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