chapter 9

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After carefully placing weiwei on their bed, he was ready to tease her a bit and see if she was going to wake up.

One cannot sleep with heels and a dress, so he slowly removed her heels one by one and washed them before slowly unzipping her dress.

Weiwei was in the middle of an intense battle in her brain. She wanted to wake up and slap him in the face and go undress heself in a more private room, yet if she did wake up, what will await her might be worst...

She was clearly struggling yet, being undressed was much safer than waking up and facing the devil himself...

She'll just take it as a massage she thought to herself... but her brain was absolutely not believing that and her heart was racing... boump boump boump...

She thought that if he was to remove her bra, she might have an automatic reaction to cover herself and slap him.

Calm down weiwei calm down she thought... this is not my body and he is currently my husband...

Her head was already spinning from the wildest thoughts and seeing her sweating so profusely, FengTingmo did not want to stop.

He slowly undressed her completely and using a towel, dipped in lumewarm water, he slowly cleaned her body..

His hand was indirectly touching her sensitive parts and it was sending shivers to weiwei...

Her face was red as a tomato, yet she continued to pretend she had fainted.

Under the clearly lighted room, her whole body was in sight and he of course was capturing the moment to admire the most beautiful creation of the gods.

Hehe... what will happen next?😶

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